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C H A P T E R 40
Tuesday, January 14

"Shay," Jay called again, this time shaking her.

She still wasn't budging so Jay left to finish getting ready for work and decided to come back in ten minutes.

"Shay," Jay called out for the 10th time.

"Hm, ok, just give me five minutes," she mumbled still asleep.

Jay left again and came back 5 minutes later and she was still in the bed.

"Shay, get up, this the last time I'm a say it."

She still didn't move so Jay turned on the lights and opened the black curtains in her room, letting in the sunlight.

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing?" She groaned looking back at Jay with the meanest look.

"You better be ready when it's time to go," Jay said before leaving and heading back to his room. Jay didn't wanna be an asshole but he'd be damned if he let his child walk all over him and didn't do as told.

She threw her brand new comforter off of her, "Ugh!" She yelled before going into the bathroom and slamming the door.

Jay shook his head, "females."

Shay was worn out from the day before—she had cried several times, she spent hours shopping for her room then Beyoncé and her daughters came over to help with her room and for dinner. She also had a ton of work that she needed to get done so she stayed up all night doing that, she was exhausted.

Once Shay was finally ready for school and Jay was ready for work they headed to Beyoncé's house for breakfast.

"Do you know if Rosario is still in town?" Shay asked as she texted her boyfriend.

Jay glanced at her, "Nah, but I can find out, why?"

"I wanna hear her side."

Jay was surprised, "what changed your mind?"

"I might as well hear what she has to say to give me peace of mind."

Jay nodded, "I'll get in touch with her."

"Don't get her hopes up, I'm not forgiving her. Too much damage has been done for that."


"Jay!" Blue squealed once Shay and Jay walked through the door.

"Blue!" He greeted, picking her up and kissing her cheek, "I see you got a lot of energy this morning," he chuckled carrying her to the kitchen.

Blue loved Jay, she looked at him like a father. She didn't quite understand the situation but she knew her father wasn't around and Jay was the first man who wasn't her brother that spoiled her and treated her like Beyoncé did. She wished Jay was her father.

Paige, Chloe, and Halle greeted Jay as Shay began making her plate.

"I'm guessing Beyoncé is still getting ready," Jay said.

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