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C H A P T E R 9.
Friday, August 31

Lani🍃💨: What's the move👀

Sent: Not in the mood to go anywhere anymore🙄

Lani🍃💨: Come thru

Sent: I'm not your booty call😑

Lani🍃💨:💀girl if you don't bring your ass

Sent: I don't wanna be around a lot of people rn Lani

Lani🍃💨: What makes you think it's gonna be a lot of people

Sent: You're always around a lot of people😒

Lani🍃💨: It's just gonna be us Chloe😑

Sent: omw

I groaned and rolled out of bed going into my bathroom to get myself together. Since I had dreads I didn't have to do much to my hair, I also changed into something more decent.

"Ma I'm gone," I said walking into the living room.

She looked back at me, "Be back by midnight... wait no, one. This is probably the first time you've asked to go out, I want you to have fun."

I laughed, "Ok. Love you."

"Oh and don't have sex, sex is bad, you end up with babies. If you do have sex have safe sex," she said making me turn red. It was uncomfortable to talk about sex with your parent.

I covered my face to hide the embarrassment, "I'm not having sex mom."

"Oh, ok. Have fun, be safe, drive carefully and I love you!"

"Love you too mom!" I smiled before grabbing the keys and leaving.

Once I was in the car I texted Kehlani for her address and put it in my GPS.

Since I started school, Kehlani, Solána and I have gotten closer. I love hanging out with them but being with them comes with a lot of attention. Everyone wants to know if Kehlani's selling or if I can get them a discount because I know her. Solána knows a lot of people, as well as Kehlani so there's always a lot of people around. Honestly, I guess I just have to get used to it because I'm not used to hanging with people. In Cali, I was always with Halle and now that we're getting older we're branching out in two different directions. That's why I'm trying to become my class's president because it'll help me come out of my shell. Speaking of class president voting starts next Monday and the winners will be announced on Friday, during lunch.

After driving for a good 10 minutes I finally arrived at Kehlani's house. I rung her doorbell and took a step back waiting for her to answer.

She opened the door with a smile, "Chloe!"

"Hi Kehlani," I smiled giving her a hug before entering.

"Welcome to mi casa," she said.

"Where are your parents?" I asked taking off my shoes.

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