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C H A P T E R 1.
Saturday, August 18

"What is the purpose of moving to Texas when we have it made in Cali?" Paige, my 15-year-old daughter complained from the seat in front of me. We were seated in first class waiting for the plane to take off.

"I told you, I was offered a new job, and you guys need to be closer to family," I explained to her.

I recently took a job at the prison in Texas to help inmates get their GED. I know it's unusual to leave a great job as a professor at UCLA but, I was tired of California. I wanted to be home, in Houston, with my family and friends. I could've easily gotten a job anywhere in Houston with my Ph.D. in psychology but, I have a big heart and wanted to do something good. My longtime friend, Kelly, was a Correctional Counselor at the prison and recommended me the job. Since most teachers quit and didn't last long, they were paying me a great amount so I'll still be able to provide my kids with the same lifestyle when I was teaching as a professor.

"You were a professor at UCLA, and you leave that job to teach at a prison, that's stupid," she said with an attitude.

"Don't make me reach up there and slap the shit out of you," I said. Paige was my problem child, I loved her to death but, her attitude, the things she says, and the careless decisions she makes really tests my patience.

"Whatever," she said then put on her beats headphones.

"I think it's very nice for you to help the prison men out mommy," my youngest daughter, Blue, said from beside me.

"Thank you, baby," I smiled at her. Blue was 5, the youngest. She's also the only one with a different father from the rest of her siblings. I got pregnant with her from a one night stand. When I told the guy he said he couldn't be in her life because he was married. I contemplated getting an abortion but I couldn't do that. She didn't deserve to die from my careless mistakes.

"Ma, how long we 'bout to be on this plane?" my oldest son Keith asked leaning over the seat in front of me.

"Why boy? You ain't got nowhere to be."

"I do, there's this party for freshman tonight. I wanna go," he said.

"I'll think about it."

"I love you ma," he smiled then turned back around in his seat. Keith was the oldest and fulfilled all the manly duties around the house. Keith, the twins, and Paige shared the same father, and since he was in and out of their lives, Keith felt the need to be the man of the house. Keith wanted to be close to us so he chose to attend the University of Houston.

"Do y'all have a party to go to as well?" I asked the twins, Chloe and Halle.

They laughed at my question, "You know we don't go out," Chloe said.

"I know, I thought if I asked y'all would consider it," I laughed.

Halle pretended to think, "After a tremendous amount of thinking, the answer is still no."

"It's y'all senior year, you have to do something," I said trying to convince them. Chloe and Halle were homebodies, they didn't like to go out and do teenager things. They preferred to stay in, to wash clothes, to make sure the house was clean, and to help me cook. They were like mini moms, and I appreciate them for that because it really took a lot off my shoulders but, I wanted them to experience the teenage life. I want them to have that full teenage experience because I didn't, because I got pregnant, and fell in love with a guy who was bad for me. I know how it feels to miss out on everything and watch everyone around you live their best life, it sucks.

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