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C H A P T E R 16.
Wednesday, November 14

"Listen up everyone!" I yelled getting their attention, "I have the results from the test and after today you guys won't be seeing me anymore because unfortunately my job is done

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"Listen up everyone!" I yelled getting their attention, "I have the results from the test and after today you guys won't be seeing me anymore because unfortunately my job is done. Only half of you passed so if I call your name please stand and exit the classroom... Snoop, Emory, Kevin, Pac, Jeezy, and Jay.

The inmates' names I called sucked their teeth and was escorted out with an attitude. I chuckled and looked at the remaining inmates sitting in their seat.

"I enjoyed teaching you guys but my time is done and it's unfortunate that I wasn't able to help y'all reach your goal to pass. I'm sorry to inform y'all that you have failed the test," I said followed by them smacking their teeth and calling me all types of names, "You can't blame no one but yourselves."

"Man whatever, fuck you, you useless bitch!" Robert said angrily.

"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion," I said calmly.

"You wasted my fucking time!" he said.

I chuckled, "You wasted your own time so if you wanna be mad, be mad at yourself, Robert."

Robert laughed and before I knew it I was struggling to breathe as he pinned me up against the wall with his hands wrapped around my neck. I tried my best to push him away but he was way stronger than me. One of the inmates called for the guards while the remaining inmates pulled him off of me. I hit the floor gasping for air as the guards restrained Robert and dragged him out the classroom. The inmates were asking if I was ok as they were being escorted out but I couldn't respond, I was in shock.

I got myself together trying my best not to cry, as the inmates who passed were brought back in, concerned and asking questions as to what happened. I simply said I was ok, even though I wasn't, far from it.

"Everything good?" Pac asked.

"Everything is fine," I said rubbing my neck.

"Did he put his hands on you?" Jay asked looking at me intensely. I'm sure he was looking at my neck because it was more than likely bruised from his tight grip.

"I'm fine," I said clearing my throat.

"Bey," he said.

"Jay I said I'm good, drop it, please," I said looking into his eyes.

"We just wanna make sure you good, Bey," Snoop spoke up.

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