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C H A P T E R 11.
Sunday, September 2

"Shay wake your ass up!"

"It's Sunday," I mumbled pulling my covers over my head.

"I know what day it is, smart ass! Get your ass up and clean my fucking house before I strangle you girl!" my foster mother, Kim yelled before slamming the door.

I sighed and got up throwing the thin blanket off of me. I was extremely tired since I was working all night. The only reason I work is because I would have nothing if I don't buy it myself. Kim provides nothing for me, I'm lucky if she feeds me. I lived in a run-down 2 bedroom apartment where we had mice. I absolutely hated it. I felt like Cinderella.

I've been in foster care since I was 5 and I just turned 16 so about 11 years and it sucks, it really does. I've been in about 12 different foster homes because it never seems to work out, I either run away or the family doesn't want me anymore. Unfortunately, my social worker always found me, she was very good at her job even though I was placed in terrible foster homes, she had no control over that though.

Recently I was able to get in touch with my father. I went through Kim's things and found my birth certificate but his name wasn't present so I had to take another route. I googled my mother and it turns out she is the daughter of a previous district attorney. Along with me googling her name a rape case popped up that involved a Shawn Carter. I did research on the case and I knew that Shawn was my father. I was shocked because not only was I a rape baby but my father was a rapist and in prison. I then continued to do my research and came across a video from court, it was my dads side of the story. Before watching the video I was angry at him but after I felt pain. I felt his pain, my father was innocent, I could hear it in his voice. He wanted to be in my life, he wanted to be a father but my selfish mother wouldn't let him, she was weak. The only reason dad is in prison now was probably because my mothers' father was the district attorney, he was manipulative and it didn't matter because he had the power and the money. My mother is the reason I'm in foster care and I resent her for that which is why I need my dad so he can take care of me and we can be happy.


I quickly threw on some clothes and rushed to Kim.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I was about to start cleaning," I said.

"Clean later, make me and Mel breakfast," she said referring to her boyfriend.

I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I prepared everything then began cooking. It didn't take long since I was so used to slaving for them.

"The food done yet baby girl?" Mel asked coming in the kitchen.

"Almost," I mumbled almost throwing up in my mouth.

Mel was one of Kim's many boyfriends, he was the one who looked at me a certain way, it was weird. I'm not complaining though, as long as he doesn't touch me.

"You look nice today," he said sitting at the island.

"I have on pajamas."

"Still sexy," he smirked.

"Kim breakfast is ready!" I yelled ignoring him.

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