Part 20

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(Narrator's P.O.V)

When All Might noticed Y/n laughing oddly, as fast as she started, she fell asleep. 

"You reached your limits again, haven't you?" He mumbled mainly to himself.

"You Bastards!" He sat up just a bit, watching Tomura throw a fit as he realized he has lost. "You just got lucky that you had 16-L.R on your side, because if you didn't, my Nomu would have killed you by now!! All of you!"

"What is 16-L.R?" All Might growled, standing up.

The villain scoffed. "That girl you all call Y/n L/n. Don't tell me you didn't know that? You are so pathetic. It doesn't matter if you knew or not anyways. She'll kill you in no time if you keep her around. That's what she was made for."

"I don't know why your still talking!" Bakugo yelled, running at Tomura. Izuku was at his back trying to stop him. "Ka-chan! Stop!" 

All Might went to get up to stop them both, but they were both too close to be saved when they tried to stop. Tomura outstretched his hands towards both of their faces, about to disintegrate them both. Then a bullet shot him back away from the two, and then was hit a few more times, injuring him until Kurogiri jumps over to protect him and they both escape together. 

The pro heros were finally here. After everything calmed down, the extra villains the kids fought with were apprehended and Detective Tsukauchi and the police debrief the students and confirm the status of everyone involved. He confirms to Izuku and the others that Aizawa and Thirteen will all be okay. 

Before the detective could get to y/n, who still remained unconscious, a police officer sprinted up to him with three other policemen, and informed him of the fowl massacre at the back of the joint beyond the tree line. He had asked the students if any of them were with Y/n during their time in the different zones, but they all said no. 

He proceeded to take him and the other heros, including All Might, to the back to see the massacre for themselves. When confirmed, they stared in horror at the carnage brought by Y/n. With her absence in the beginning of them event and the amount of blood on her, it was obvious she was the one to commit those murders. 

Midnight shuddered at the foul stench of death as they were forced to walk through it all and help count the bodies that weren't smashed to mush. "How-how could she do all this?" She asked herself as tears came to her eyes, remembering the times she was with her, her smiling face, and happy attitude. "This couldn't have been her. She couldn't have done this- she's too sweet! Why?? She wouldn't do this, so why!?" She cried stopping in her tracks and covered her face. The hero's body shook as the dead laid circled around her. Present Mic came up and consoled her.

"I know, I don't want to believe she would do this either," his voice was soft and heavy, unlike any other time, "but we have to face the facts. She did something like this before, so she could do it again. We just have to keep a close eye on her."

"I don't think that'll be enough. The Chief of Police just got here, and he's not happy with the photos we just sent him. He has Y/n secured in her security transport, and she's just now waking up. Let's go back." The detective sighed and led the heros back. When they saw Y/n, she was not in the best state of mind. 

"Haha! Come on chief! I missed you! It's been-I don't know how long since I've seen you~! Let me out of these restraints and let me show you just how much I've missed you~!!" She mewled and chuckled, shaking and jolting in her constraints of a bulky dolly with many security systems tightening around her with every move she made, though it seemed like she was enjoying her painful self torture. The chief growled and shook his head.

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