Part 50

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"Well? Are you gonna get up?" She sassed. I gruffed as I forced myself to sit up, gritting my teeth as even that was a rough and painful task. "Hurry up, everyone is already making their way to the camp."

"Will you g-give me a damn minute?" I groaned.

"I should just leave you here you know? I don't know why you should get special treatment anyways, all the other students have to walk from where they were, yet you get a free ride." The blonde complains. "Kota." She nods him in my direction. He hops off makes his way over, helping me with a bit of struggle to even get me on my knees.

"You call this special treatment?" I growl as we start walking towards her, Kota pulling at the back of my shirt to keep me standing straight as I wobble forward. 

She crossed her arms. "Yeah, what else would you call it?"

"A reminder." I gruff as Kota helps me onto the beast as he hops in between us. The dirt monster rises and takes off into the air.

"A reminder? A reminder for what?" She dares.

"A reminder that I'm still a killer." I see her tense. "You didn't forget did you? I know Mr. Aizawa or someone from the school had to give all of you here a warning with who you'd be watching over. Why do you think you had to be the one to watch me?" Her body shook a little bit. "Like I said, this is a reminder that I'm still technically a criminal that can be sent back to Tartarus, especially if I do something wrong, like hide from my authorities of the school, go somewhere on my own without notifying anyone, or kill you." The dirt of the beast began to crumble and fall for just a few moments as we nearly start to fall, her composer from behind immediately stiffening as Kota screams. The beast comes back together and we keep flying. She looked back at me.

"You gotta lot of damn nerve-"

"Are you sure it's me, or you, that has the nerve to piss off and underestimate a person willingly ready to commit homicide if she wanted or needed to at a moments notice." My voice filled with warning as her eyes grew scared and unsure. "Of course, I would never do that. Unless Principal Nezu told me to that is. I promised myself that I would only kill villains if needed and use my quirk to protect the people I loved because of this second chance. So I am not about to let all my hard work be ruined because you decide to have a little attitude."

She looked ahead of us towards the camp, cleared her throat, and seemed to regain her composer just a bit. "Huh, and here I thought you were only being obedient so you could score with All Might to be at the top."

"Oh please, he's not my type, and I'm not a desperate old hag like you."

"I'll show you old!" She yelled. "And besides, even if that's the case, it's only a short amount of time until that boyfriend of yours will want someone with experience too." She brags, flipping her hair. 

I cover Kota's ears as he groans in irritation. "I never said I wanted All Might. Plus, I know what my boyfriend wants, trust me, experience won't be an issue. Even so, you already have a stick up your ass, so why don't you use that to go fuck yourself, and stop being a bitch to me and leave my boyfriend alone?"

"Shut up! I've had enough of you!" She hisses.

"Why don't both of you shut up? I've had enough of both of you." We look and I find we've landed already. Students were coming out of the building in their new clothes and heading to an outdoor kitchen set up to cook. Aizawa stood just beside us with an unimpressed glare. Kota hops off and walks away to who-knows-where.

"Y-yes sir." I mumble and slide off of the beast. With a few stumbles, I manage to stand on my own. Barely.

"L/n. Stop antagonizing Pixie, she's not worth it. You're suppose to practice respecting authority anyways." He lectures.

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