Part 40

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About five minutes have passed of me dodging villains and helping civillains here and there, I stop out of exhaustion. I realize I used too much of my quirk to fly this fast this much, so I tried to think of a quicker way to find them as fast as I could. 

When I get an idea, I nearly hit myself in the head because of it. I pull out my phone and open my contacts to call Izuku until it all closes and is overtaken by an emergency alert from a random location from the hero app with Izuku's name on it, but no description. 

"Oh thank goodness." Relief falls over me. "He needs help," I put it away and recognize his location is only two streets down and in an alleyway from me. "but he's alive and close." I Immediately fly his way, and in seconds I look down from a roof and find Tenya and a Pro Hero on the ground, with Izuku and Todoroki ahead of the two. Izuku is simply standing stiff as his classmate blasts ice attacks to protect them. "What?" I stare in confusion as the villain goes on a rant about appreciating Izuku and wanting 'fake' heros to die, and out smarts Todoroki, getting closer.

When he gets too close for comfort and swings his swords down on Izuku, I wanted to scream, but it was stuck in my throat. I snap back to reality and jump over the edge and spike the pressure up in the air. 

I couldn't tell if my body was burning hot or freezing cold at the realization that my boyfriend and the others could die tonight, right in front of me. Time slowed. The flashes of our fun times together in class, the festival, the funny conversations over the phone, and then that perfect image of Izuku and I at the beach when we first met, smiling with his usual red blush and nervous smile while he twiddled his fingers together. It all cracked. Like glass. Then it felt like I snapped.

A scary new feeling came over my body, It was a whole other level above adrenaline. It was like cold snakes wrapped around every limb and muscle I had and slithered up my neck, over my head, and then stopped at my forehead and cheeks, as a hard shiver ran from my spine, throughout my body. I saw everything so clearly and new, and when everything started to move faster again, it hit me like a wave that I had full control over. I fell feet-first between the two and smashed my feet onto the swords between the two. The blades snapped at the contact and stabbed into the ground below from the force. I back-flipped mid air and kicked the villain far down the alley and landed on the ground. When I looked back Izuku was still stuck in his same position, but his eyes were shimmering in white and blue lights as he looked to me with wide eyes. 

"Are you all okay?" I asked looking over the four. The Pro nodded slightly. 

Todoroki sighed in relief. "I am now that help has arrived." 

"N-no..." Iida groaned weakly on the ground. "N-Not you too. Get out of here! You'll die!!" 

"Speak for yourself pres. you're the one on the ground." I notice a stab wound in his upper shoulder. 

"Izuku." I say. He jolts from his trance.

"-U-Uh! Yes!"

"Are you okay? You haven't moved."

"There's a reason for that." Todoroki answered.

"Yeah." His face got serious again. "He's Stain. He's the Infamous Hero Killer. Don't let him cut you and drink your blood. That's how his quirk works. We figured it must be a blood type kind of quirk. If he consumes some of your blood, you will be paralyzed- Look Out!!" I whip back and see him charging fast. Todoroki blasts ice in his direction, making Stain dodge, and creates an ice barrier just in time. 

"I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR LITTLE FAKE HEROS LIKE YOU!!" He roars from beyond the wall, and we see him jump high above it with his other swords in hand and shooting down over Todoroki, who stumbles back off of a loose piece of ice and falls. "NOW DIE!!"

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