Part 52

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(Narrator's P.O.V)

Todoroki, Shoji, and Izuku were on top of the villain ready to get Bakugo back, until a wave of raging hot blue flames came the hero's way from a new villain on the scene. Izuku fell on his back and out of the way, but still managed to get burned. As Shoji and him struggle to get up from our burn injuries, Todoroki starts to go after another weird villain. Immediately, Izuku then got attacked by the blonde girl from before that y/n was chasing after and she flirts with him. 

After nearly hitting him with one of those strange needles of hers, she tries to stab Izuku until Shoji saves him again and knocks her off. She starts to yell about cutting him up. Todoroki makes it back and they fight for their marble encased classmates. Once they assume they have them in hand, they nearly brag until we see they're just clumps of ice. 

The three look up and see the magician with the two real ones in his mouth. Dread fell upon Izuku when suddenly the villain is hit by Aoyama's Navel Laser, and they fell out. The hero tries to go and grab them but the injuries were too painful to move, no matter how hard he tried. The two villains grab both of them as he lay there broken on the ground. They all notice the warp gate villain from the USJ incident come around a makes a portal behind them. 

"N-NO!" Izuku yells. From the corner of his eye, he sees a doppelganger or clone of the guy with blue fire. He had a girl in his arms. When he walked up to the other one and set her down on her feet, he faded away into ash as the one that must be the original catches and carries her body with one arm around the waist, and strokes her face delicately. 

"Looks like I got my prize!" He calls out. With his free hand, he turns her head to the three and their blood runs cold. It was Y/n, unconscious. Dabi looks to the magician villain. "Are we done here?"

The magician released both of the classmates, but only lets and unconscious Tokoyami free as they hold Bakugo and starts to pull them both through the portal. It all clicks in Izuku's head and he fights his body, getting up and running for them with all his might.

"Y/N!!! KA-CHAN!!! NO!!!!!" He calls, but Bakugo, through choking fear, tells him to stay back. Izuku continues to run as fast as he could, and jumped to reach for him, but it was too late. The portal closes and he hits the dirt ground. The knowledge of losing his girlfriend and bestfriend hits him hard, and he crumples, wales at the top of his lungs at his failure. The villains won.


(Bakugo's P.O.V)

After I don't know how long, I was still strapped into some chair, surrounded by all the villains at the camp and some I didn't recognize in a bar. Y/n was kidnapped with me and she had already woken up, but was still dazed. Probably from a part of her head where she was bleeding from, a stream of dried blood was prominent on her sweaty, filth covered skin. They had her also strapped in a chair across the room from me. 

We were listening to the broadcast of Mr. Aizawa, Vlad King, and Principal Nezu were interviewed in. They were asked about y/n. Apparently they found out that she was the little girl at the Horrific Pier Massacre, so they call it, and that she was the cause of it. They even talked about me, berating the three with questions.

"Why would you give the call to allow the students to combat the villains?"

Mr. Aizawa stood up and everyone quieted down to listen. 

"If I had not given the call for the students to fight back, then many would have surely perished then. My order was only to avoid the worst of what could have happened." 

Principal Nezu nodded. "Things would have gotten worse if not for students like Tetsutetsu and Itsuka and many others."

An interviewer spoke up. "What about Bakugo Katsuki and his aggressive attitude? Could it have allured the villains, maybe even using that to brainwash him?"

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