Part 34

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I huff. "As soon as that huge thing of ice almost crushed me, that was when I felt myself going insane. I didn't think to withdraw, cause I was too stubborn to admit that I couldn't win because I was losing control. Though, the insanity inside me seemed to want to provoked him. It was unintentional. The entire time after that, I tried to use ways of fighting and not kill him, but it was getting too hard, so I just held out until I felt myself nearly lose complete control, and told him to finish me. So he did. And here we are." 

All Might sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I-....I guess there isn't really anything that we can do about it. No one got too hurt, and no one suspects anything about you so far. But hey, you made it this far into the competition, and by holding back and using restraint, I'm proud of you. Though I'm upset it lead you to nearly getting killed, it's not something to get angry over now. What's done is done. Get some rest kid. Try to join the class before the awarding ceremony okay?" I nodded and hugged him. He hugged me back tightly and let go, transforming back and made his way outside. Now it was just me and Izuku.

He was sitting on the side of my bed looking down at the floor, balling the bed sheets in his hands. His whole body was tense and rigid. "Izuku-?"

"-I wish you wouldn't have done that." His voice was stern yet sad. I wanted to say something back but knew I shouldn't, he was worried for me after all. "You could have died today, no matter how strong you are." He looked at me. His eyes holding a worried anger in them. "What if you were just a few more feet to the left huh? Then you would have your head impaled on a spear of ice and we wouldn't be having this conversation right now!" He yelled. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked away with a broken smile and the saddest look I've never seen before. 

"I don't know what I would do If you were suddenly gone

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"I don't know what I would do If you were suddenly gone. You mean so much to me." As the tears finally fall, his words hit my chest like a hammer and nail each time. Without a word, I grab his shoulders and pull him towards me. He wraps his arms around my back and cries on the tank-top I finally noticed that I had on. It was burnt at the bottom up. Basically making it a crop-top now. The last fire blast must have burned off most of it. We fall to the side and lay on the bed as we both calm each other down. My heart slows down and his crying stops. The entire time, I play with his his hair as he rests his head on my chest. After a few minutes we both get up hand in hand, and walk out the door. Immediately, we were stopped by Recovery Girl, she smiles at our hands tightly clasped together. 

"Ah, young love." She giggles at our red faces. "Your injures are mostly healed now. What's left is that gash on your leg, which is now just a flesh wound, but don't stress it now. I can heal it completely in two days. You two head along now." She shoos us off with her cane. 

We smile, "Yes ma'am." then walk off towards the stands but the classes seem to all leave out their stand doors. 

"Ah, guys!" Kaminari ran up to us. "You guys are just on time. Katsuki won the last round, so now it's time for the award ceremony." He leads us to were the other classes are going. When everything was set, I was pulled out of the class to receive my award. 

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