Part 44

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(Your P.O.V)

I lazily woke up and found myself in the nurses office again. 

"Ah, you're up." A voice hums. "That was quicker than usual. You're usually out for more than half a day." I turn my head and see Recovery Girl at her desk writing something. 

"W-what happened? Did I win?" I groaned getting up.

"Oh you won alright." She pointed beyond me with a cute wrinkled smile. When I look to the other side of me past the curtain, I see Endeavor on the other bed unconscious covered in massive bruises, a large arm cast, and burns all over his skin past his tattered and destroyed suit. 

"Woah, did I do that?" I asked getting up and stretching. I noticed my legs were no longer burned and my lungs felt good as new when I breathed in deeply. "I feel good as new."

"Yeah. You did that. Not to mention you made healing you easier too."

"What do you mean?"

"As expected, you don't remember." She whispered. "How much do you recollect?" She asked looking to me. 

"Hm, well, I remember him blasting at me and I hit the ground in order to not get hit by it. I think I may have used too much of my quirk and passed out, cause I don't remember anything after that."

She hummed as she wrote something in her folder. "I see....well, thank you, you can go to the locker room and dress out, leave your suit in the bin. It'll be destroyed and another one will be made. No worries though, the only changes will be that it is fire resistant. I'm making sure of that." She stated and returned back to her papers. "Then go back to class."

I blinked a bit before getting the burnt boots on the side of the bed and walked to the door bare foot before stopping and looking back one last time. "How long was I out?"

"An hour or two."

I hummed in thought and went to the locker room. After following what Recovery Girl said, I made my way back to class. When I got to the door, the bell had rang and the doors to every class had opened. 'School must be over.'

"Y/N!" I jump when someone screams my name and I'm pulled into the class room. 

"O-Oh! H-hey O-ocha-ko." I choke out as she squeezes me into this powerful bear hug. 

"Ochako! Let her go before you break her back! She just got out of the nurses office." Mina orders as she tries to pull her off me. 


After a few minutes passed of them congratulating me on the win and how happy they are that I'm well, I agreed with Izuku that I'd see him later at my place as they girls pulled me away since they wanted to talk away from the boys. They asked me how I did what I did on the field, I told them the same thing, I don't remember. When they explained what they saw, I gawked wide eyed at them and tried to imagine me doing those things. Mentally deciding to study up more on this later.

We gathered our stuff and headed to the roof of my apartment and sat at one of the bigger tables, enjoying the nice breeze. 

".....I have a crush on Kaminari." We all look to Jiro, who was blushing like crazy, and smiled.

"Yeah, we know." Mina giggled as Jiro looked at us frantically.

"No way! H-how?!"

"You would always act different with him, and you guys would go to each others room all the time when you thought no one would notice." Hagakure announced, making us agree.

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