Part 49

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Later we were eating in the dining hall with both classes after we were told that after this we would have to make our own food. It was a feast. Since I was already with the girls, we separated into our own groups at the table. I was at one end with Ochako, Tsu, and Momo, while Izuku was at the opposite end with the others.

Ochako was blushing madly after Tsu explained to her the physical intimate progression of a relationship between a couple, and all we could do was laugh at her reaction.

Time passed as we bathed in the separated springs. As usual, Mineta was being a perv and tried to look over the wall at us naked until Kota stopped him. When we thanked him he fell off, we all freaked out, but as soon as we heard Izuku had caught him, we all sighed in relief and continued with our bath then called it a night, going into our rooms.

After the girls all fell  asleep, I got on my phone and answered a text from Izuku. 

Izuku: Hey, I had just learned why Kota hates heros.

Me: What do you mean??

Izuku: Mandalay told me that his parents died while in the line of duty. They were heros. He thinks that they wouldn't have died if they weren't heros.

Me: Well he's not wrong, but still, with how much he hates heros, it must be hard since he has to live with them.

Izuku: I know, I have to help him somehow. It wouldn't feel right if I just let him stay like this

Me: I would usually say 'leave it alone, it's his business' but I know you won't, so go ahead. If you need any help with him, just call me

Izuku: Yay!! Thank you y/n~😊💗  I love you~💖💖

Me: Yeah yeah I love you too, goodnight 😘💕

Izuku: Goodnight 🌹

With a smile, I put down my phone and get comfortable in my bed, falling right to sleep with the others.


The next morning we were brought out to a field. I was in a pair of black shorts and a white t-shirt Madalaya let me borrow because of what happened to my uniform yesterday. Mr. Aizawa had Bakugo throw a ball and then said it was 709.5. Everyone was shocked for some reason, saying it didn't change.

"Ah yes, y/n, you weren't here yet during the tests, here." He hands me another ball. "Throw this as far as you can using your quirk." I nod and walk a bit ahead for some space and readied myself.

"Do I use all the power of my quirk?"

"Yup, as much as you can produce into this one throw, as hard as you can."

I nodded on last time and wound back. I felt my power fill my body again. Taking in one deep breath, I turned my whole body and worked my arm as I pulled the ball back and used my quirk, gritting my teeth. Wisps of blue light was whipping around it, making it look like a ball of unstable energy. The air vibrated, making my teeth shake as I let the ball go and it shot out of my hand, creating a white tale at the end. Just as it was getting too hard to see it, a loud bang as a wide circle exploded from it. The sudden sound made us duck and cover our ears in pain. 

"IT BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER!" Iida screamed, as we all almost couldn't hear. The circle from the ball became bigger and bigger as the wind suddenly got strong. Too strong. 

"IT'S THE AFTERMATH BLAST! EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" Momo yelled. We all tried to get on the ground but it was too late. When the circle got big enough and hit the ground, the wave of wind had already pushed and flowed over the trees like tall grass in a field and made its way to us. We were already hit by the blast. I hit the ground and rolled far but clawed at the dirt to hold onto something. When I couldn't, I was already slammed into something cold and hard, hitting my head with such force that nearly knocked me out. The roaring winds soon grew to a stop and I slid down the wall and hit the ground on my knees. I coughed up a storm. I must have gotten the wind knocked out of me. 

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