Part 57

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We made it to the gym and separate around the area Cementos has made and got our own clone of Ectoplasm. Him and I fought for the entire class time to see what I needed to work on and for an idea for an ultimate move. Though in the end I defeated him, I was not unscaved. I was already sore, sweaty and waiting for bruises that would show in the morning if I don't go to Recovery Girl after this. 

"Concentrate L/n. You study pressure and make it your own when you fight, right? Try thinking of a move that you can use that will take down a villain." He says as we take a break and sit on a stone pillar. 

"You say to 'take down a villain', but how? Do you want me to kill the villain or subdue them? I am told by my classmates not to kill, yet, I am still told nothing from a hero here at school or by the Principal of  what I should do."

"I apologize for not being of help in this situation. I would say don't, because it is not favored by civilians seeing anybody die whenever we work, but there are times when it is needed, no matter what others think. You should head to the Principal's office and ask him this. He would know. You have moves to kill, that is apparent." I nod. "Do you have moves to knock someone unconscious?" I nod. "Well then you already have ultimate moves both ways. Since class is about to end, I recommend you work on new fighting styles by sparing with your classmates on your free time if you can, and work on your suit. Your main weakness is that you use your quirk more than yourself. So work on combat moves without your quirk. You never know if your quirk will ever be restricted or not." I agreed as I looked myself over. Many pieces were torn and tattered, but I was still well covered, just annoyed now.

Class ends and I meet up with Izuku, Ochaco, and Iida on our way towards the Development Studio. On the way, the three talk of their upgrades for their suits and they look to me.

Izuku shyly asks me,"S-so what are you gonna ask for y/n?" 

"Well, I need to change the entire material of my suit or I'm screwed. It's too weak and I need to fix my gloves because they are not holding up at all." I raise my hands and show the weak leather gloves barely holding onto my fingers and wrist by a few strings because of how hard I hit. "My shoes too, their falling apart."

"Whoah, what happened?" Ochaco wondered.

"Ectoplasm said that I may have not specified what type of material I wanted in the costume design sheet, so I got a default material, which is just basic cloth."

We approach the door and Izuku goes ahead to open the door for us but gets blown away by an explosion from within the Studio, and when the dust clears, I find a pink hair girl lying on top of him. 

Ochako gasps in deeply, nearly choking in shock and dread as the pink haired girl has her exposed cleavage getting close to my boyfriend's face the more she talks, but I can't hear over a ringing in my ears and predatorial anger slowly creeping over ration and reason. 

Izuku notices her and looks as if his blood drains from his body. When they get up and she is off him, he quickly hides behind me and quivers, looking sickly as if he's ready to throw up and ready to pass out. 

His reaction makes me pretty reassured since he doesn't act this way when I'm intimate with him. Iida reminds us her name as Mei.

I happily follow them into the studio, humming mindlessly, blocking them all out until I see Izuku suddenly in a huge body suit and was bent in an awkward pose that made him yell in pain, so we quickly got him out of the suit.

A lot of time passes of Mei forcing us to try on her gadgets and nearly dying in all of them. She was stopped by Power Loader, and he was the one who helped us order what we needed. When the three got their orders put in, they said they'd wait outside for me, but I told them to head on to class since this would take a while. Once they left, the pro turned to me.

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