Part 64

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I turn a bit and feel another shift on the bed as something tightens around my waist. Looking behind me, I see Izuku still asleep with his arms protectively around me in a tight hold. 

We didn't want to part last night, so I let him stay in my room for the night. We even went to his room to get him a change of clothes. Nothing happened. We just listened to music, rested out on the balcony, and talked. It was the most peaceful I've felt since I came to the school. I feel even happier and more content than I've ever been since we've gotten back together.

He had a calm look on his face as he leans more into the crook of my neck, tickling me with the light warmth of his breath. I try to hold in my laugh, but a giggle slips out as he keeps breathing on my skin, and he groans slightly, and starts opening his eyes. When we make eye contact, he smiles and attacks my neck with many kisses. I squeal and wiggle, trying to get out of his grasp as he doesn't let up.

"I-I-Izuku! Let me go-o-o!" I laugh as he chuckles.

"Give me a good reason why I should." He challenges.

"Because it is too early for this and I have morning breath." 

"One- It's never too early to show my girlfriend love, and two- I don't care. Watch." He lets me go and climbs over me, and kisses me. I thought it was gonna be quick, but when he keeps going and pulls me in for more, I moan lightly and pull him closer. Our bodies are touching as we grasp at each other, kissing passionately for who knows how long. After a while, we break away at the same time for air. Our faces red and eyes filled with lust.

I yelp in surprise when something hard pokes my thigh, and Izuku chokes on a groan. He looks down with wide eyes at himself, and quickly jumps off and runs to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door as he apologizes repeatedly.  I laugh and get out of the bed.

"I'm gonna set your clothes by the door. Shower while you're in there and I'll go in there after you." I call out, setting his clothes by the door. He says okay and I walk out onto the balcony and take in the great weather today as the wind blows gently. I hang out in a chair while I watch the students below go off campus with their friends excitedly until Izuku finally finishes with his shower. I go in after him and do my normal morning routine and we both head down to the lobby. The others were there laughing and talking as they ate breakfast. When they looked to us and saw out hands together, the girls screamed as some of the guys cheered and ran up to us. It was like the time we first told them we were dating all over again. The girls cornered me and the guys cornered Izuku, leaving him in a nervous ball again.

 After the interrogations were over, we all rejoiced by going swimming. I had on my favorite swimsuit and we all spent the day swimming and Katsuki and I even barbecued- while we argued over the littlest things as Izuku and Kirishima tried to separate us so we wouldn't get physical. While the girls and I would play a game in the water, Izuku tried his best to block the stares of the perverted eyes of our other male classmates, but was defeated when some students from class 1-B and some other students came to the pool too, and had to give up and just try to stay close since other guys were trying to talk to me again.

Midnight came with thirteen and a few other female hero staff and decided to tease me about last night.

"The others told me about your little cute soap opera moment with Young Midoriya." One cooed, sending me a teasing gloom my way as I looked to the ground in embarrassment. 

"Yeah! They said it was like a live romance movie that they had to run after to see!" Midnight laughed as I slapped my hands over my reddening face.

"I thought the moment when he went after you in the water was really romantic." Thirteen said with a dreamy tone in her voice, clasping together and looking off into the sky in thought. They teased me yet commended me on getting back together with Izuku.

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