Part 76

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(Your P.O.V)

When class was over, we all left for the dorm and Ochako asked me to help train her in combat and I agreed.

The rest of the week went on of me doing work, talking with with Nezu and All Might about my position as U.A's Guard Dog, training with Ochako, and having Iida and Momo help me with my studies after school.

I saw Mitsuha around campus occasionally, still slightly scratched up and bruised, and when she would see me, she would run away or speed walk off in another direction as if she never saw me. I heard from Izuku that she completely avoided him now, and the dorm entirely. We were all happy. 

On Saturday, I was called back to the Principal's office, and found the Big Three on one couch having tea with Nezu as he sat on the other. Mirio and Nejire, the blue haired girl that I wasn't really close to, looked to me and smiled widely. They both ran up to me and nearly broke my back in a near hug, while the third guy just shyly sipped his tea, he was Amajiki if I remember correctly. 

"Hey Y/n! I haven't seen you in a long time!" Mirio exclaimed. Nejire nodded and looked me over. 

"You look more mature than when I first saw you! What did it feel like to be in a coma? Did they cut you open and stuff?"

They dropped me and I stumbled back in a daze. "It's only been a few weeks since you last saw me, I haven't changed, and I felt like I was asleep most of the time."

"They aren't gonna cut someone open if they're just in a coma you idiot." Amajiki said. The girl giggled and ran back to the couch with Mirio in tow. I walk and sit next to Principal Nezu.

"What's going on?" I wonder.

Mirio gets serious. "Ever since you fell into a coma, the crime rate has slowed significantly over the past three weeks. Yet, recently they have risen again and villains are causing chaos again. There has been no sign of the League of Villains and we think they're planning something big."

I roll my eyes. "When are they not planning something? Listen, villains are most likely causing problems again because the city is functioning again since most, if not all, businesses are rebuilt. Are they low level criminals?" They nod. 

The blue haired girl raises her hand happily. "We think crime is quickly increasing because the League is using them as a distraction! A lot of heros are starting to get more and more busy to where we can't be around the school district to protect it as much anymore!"

Nezu hums in agreement. "That is where you come in. You will finally fulfill your role as U.A's Guard Dog. I have taken time to get you a new phone and added some Pro Hero connections to it that students with Provisional Licences don't have yet. Along with it is an earpiece that you cannot take off until I say so. We have to assume that the League is acting again because you're back. As far as we know, that could be the main reason, and If so, they may have something to get you on their side for good."

Mirio nodded, drinking the last of his tea. "If it is you they're after, that means they could possibly come for the school. So you have to enact your role. Normally we would have you safe and out of sight, but then they could hurt the students if you're not up, and like we said, a lot of the Heros will be busy."

Nezu continued. "The staff has to leave during lunch and on their free time to help fight villains and save civilians, so we'll be short staffed. So you have to step up and protect the school."

"I'll do as you say. Though, what about the heros at other schools? Can't they help us?"

Amajiki shook his head and looked away shyly. "We tried to get help from the hero schools around the city, but they are also having crime rise around their area, and it's getting closer and closer to their schools as well, and their help is also running thin."

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