♡ Chapter 12

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The sun  shined from in between the curtains and woke me up. I sat myself up in my bed and I stretched out, still with closed eyes. I yawned before falling back down, taking the whole space of the bed. I then came to realize that there was no Jungkook laying besides me. 

'Did he leave already? '

I started to panick a little. Maybe he regrettet what had happened last night? What if it ruined everything and what if he dosen't even want to talk to me? 

'Y/N, you're overreacting'

I took a deep breath and stood up thinking that he maybe just had to go home or something. I took out a big oversized hoodie from my closet and I wore it. I went in my bathroom to brush my teeth and put my hair up. Once I was done, I decided to go downstairs to get something to eat. 

I slowly walked downstairs, lowkey half asleep still. I screemed when I saw a person in the kitchen, making food

It was Jungkook.

Jungkook got startled as well and he turned around. "Why are you screaming??" He breathed out and looked at me in confusion. "You scared me, geez." I replied lazily while plopping myself down on a chair. "Well, good morning to you too." He chuckled.

 I was feeling relieved about the fact that it wasn't awkward and that he didn't leave.

"What are you making?" I said looking towards Jungkook. "Pancakes." He turned around, flashing me a smile. "Sereously?!" I sqreeched. "I loove pancakes!" 

Jungkook laughed while coming towards me and putting a plate of pancakes down on the table. I smelled the scent of the pancakes and I hummed. "Who taught you to cook??" I said while taking a pancake and putting it on my plate. "My grandmother," He looked down on his plate. "She passed away last year." Jungkook grabbed a pancake and started to smear strawberrie jam on it. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. I'm sure she was wonderful." I looked up at him and he looked up at me. "She was." He slightly smiled.

I took a bite of the pancake and as always, the food was deliCUOUS. 

"This is really good," I stuffed my mouth more. 

"Be sure to chew now, babe." Jungkook said and I stiffened a little. 


I looked down and I felt my cheeks grow a little warm. "What." Jungkook asked taking another pancake. "Nothing" I said taking another pancake as well. "Say it!" Jungkook whined and I smiled. "You called me babe." I looked up and our eyes met. "S-Should I not." Jungkook started to get unsure. I leaned forward and landed my lips on his, shutting him up. Our kiss lastet for a few seconds before I pulled away. "I like it." I said pecking his nose before sitting back down in the chair. Jungkook's cheeks became pink and I chuckled. 


We were done eating and I was SO full, I thought I was going to throw up for a moment. "Oh wow, I don't think I've ever eaten so many pancakes in my life." I let out a long breath. "Me neither." Jungkook said while leaning back in his chair. I started to gather the plates and I was going to do the dishes. Jungkook helped me take everything to the sink. "Let me do it." He said pushing me slightly. "Yah! You made the food, let me atleast do the dishes!" I pushed him back. "Feisty." Jungkook chuckled and I turned around and I glared at him. "Ok, ok." He replied and I smiled. 

I started to clean the plates and I felt Jungkook slide his hands to my waist. He rested his head in the crook of my neck and he embraced me. 

"Jungkook!" I tried to push him away from me because he was making it difficult for me to clean, but his grip on me was stronger. I sighed, continuing to wash while he was back hugging me. 

"You smell good." Jungkook said, taking a sniff of me. "Thank you, now can you take these," I handed him a couple glasses, "and go put them in the cupboard?" Jungkook took the glasses and went over to the cupboard which is in the living room. 

A couple of seconds later a loud sound was echoing through the house. It sounded like thousands of vases breaking. It was only after a few seconds that it came up for me what that was and I ran to the living room. 

Jungkook was laying on the floor besides the cupboard, bleeding. Almost all of the wineglasses was shattered and spraddled on the floor. I was standing there in almost shock until a groan was heard from Jungkook.

"Oh my fucking god!" I quickly bent down to check on Jungkook. He was bleeding in several places and there was blood everywhere. 

"I'm," Jungkook scrathed his head. "Not fine." I finished his sentence as I helped him sit on the couch. "Jesus." I went to get the med-kit so I could clean him up. Once I had found it I sprinted back in the living room as I was starting to panick a little. 

"How," I struggled to open the med-kit, "the fuck did that happen??" I said while taking a piece of cotton and pouring a little antibac on it. "I just-" Jungkook started but I cut him off. "Nevermind, don't talk." I leaned in to one of the wounds. "This is going to sting." I said as I gently pressed the cotton piece on the wound. "I'm a man I don-" Jungkook groaned when I added a little more pressure to fully clean everything. 

"I'm sorr-" I cut him off, once again and I stuffed a ball of cotton in his mouth. Jungkook just smiled widely. "Yah!" I stopped cleaning for a moment. "Stop smiling! You could've hurt yourself way worse, geez do you know how scared I was?" I locked eyes with him and I stared into them with a serious expression. "Don't scare me like that again." I went back to treating his bruises. 

The bruises weren't that deep, which was a relief. He had gotten a little cut on his cheek too, so I took another piece of cotton and I leaned into his face.

'Aishh, this idiot'

I was very close to Jungkook and I could feel his breath on my chin as I focused on managing the cut. "See?" I leaned back, "you even hurt your face." I sighed, leaning back in. "Will you kiss it better?" Jungkook pouted. I slapped his bicep as I was wrapping the cut up. "Pleaseee?" Jungkook whined like a little kid. 

I leaned in and I planted a kiss next to the bruise. I backed away only to be dragged right back in by Jungkook. "It still hurts." He pouted again and I smiled, kissing his nose. I started to kiss his face until there wasn't one millimeter that my lips didn't cover. I stared into his eyes and I leaned in to kiss his lips. The kiss lasted for several seconds until I pulled away.

"Now," I got up from the couch, "i have to clean up the hell hole of a mess you made." 

"Let me hel-" Jungkook tried to get up, but I pushed him back down. 

"No- uh. You are gonna sit there, so that you don't go killing yourself by accident." 




A/N: Don't forget to vote!! ↓↓↓

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