♡ Chapter 14

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I walked into school with a good mood, despite it being a monday. I haven't had the nightmare about my brother for a couple of weeks now and my days were getting lighter. I have Jungkook, the other boys and Lisa. I couldn't ask for more.

I made my way to my locker and i opened it. The second i opened the locker, a bunch of green slime fell out of it. I was shocked. Is this some kind of prank, and if it is, it isnt funny.

People were starting to gather around me and i felt very embaressed. They started to take pictures and some girls started to laugh. I touched my hair only to feel the slime tangled up in it. Even more slime was pouring out now and i took a few steps back. A note then fell out of my locker as well.

'You slut. Stop trying to get with Jungkook, he's mine. U know he dosen't like u anyway, you're worthless trash. Your brother killed himself because of you, ugly rat.'

How did that someone know about my brother? Does someone from my old school go here?

I could only stare blankly at the note. Tears were forming in my eyes out of embaressetment and sorrow.

"Hey, let me through!!"


I heard someone yell before they approached me.


I could recognize that voice anywhere. It was the voice of the person that has been there for me these past weeks. I don't think I would be able to get to school if it wasn't for him. I didn't have the motivation nor strength to do so, but he changed that. I had a reason to get up everyday.

"Jungkook," I say as I break down into sobs and he dosen't think twice about embracing me and letting me cry into his chest.

Jungkook strokes my head as he tries to calm me down.

"Don't cry, baby"

"Don't cry"

He slowly pulled away, cupping my face and he wiped my tears with his thumbs. He atempted to take the note in my hands, but i pulled away. I didn't want him to see it. I didn't want him to think that i was a slut or that i was desperate to be with him. I looked down, afraid of meeting his eyes.

"Let me see it." He said firmly and i continued to look down. "Y/N, let me see it!" He almost yelled and i jumped a little. He took the note out of my hands, almost with force and his eyebrows arched when he read it.

Jungkook turned around to the crowd behind us. "Who the fuck did this??" He yelled. I could tell he was very angry and I could see the veins in his neck when he yelled. "How dare you!" He stepped closer to the crowd, eyeing everyone.

"Jungkook, don't" I said and I grabbed his arm, trying to stop him. Jungkook turned back around, facing me. "It's okay, Jungkook," I said looking to the side. My eyes were still watery and i was ready to break down at any second. "No, Y/N! It's not!" He took both of my hands and squeezed them. "You have to stop letting yourself getting hurt!!" He let go of one of my hands and he put it on my cheek, making me face him. "Look at me," He said. I almost immediatly oblieged and my eyes met his.

"You don't deserve this," He almost whispered, and tears were almost forming in his eyes. I nodded and he turned around to the crowd once more.

"I'm gonna make, whoever did this, pay!" Jungkook spat. We were about to walk out, but something made Jungkook stop in his tracks and let go of my hand.

"I knew you were Jungkook's little slut! Who else have you been fucking?" A girl with long brown hair and fake lashes commented. I bit my bottom lip as I was starting to panick. I didn't take my medicine for angst because I haven't had a panick attack in a very long time.

Jungkook clenched his fists out of anger and he stepped closer to the girl. "Come again?" Jungkook said, staring intesively at the girl. "How could you be with her? She even got her brother to kill himself." She laughed and my eyes let out more tears.

It's her. Of course it's her. I recognize her from my old school. She used to bully me, alot. She used to put trash in my backpack and say to my teacher that I was having sex in the bathroom with several boys every week. Eventually, that rumor got out and people actually believed it. She is the worst kind of person you'll ever meet.

Ugh, she boils my blood.

The anger inside me was starting to build up as these comments about my brothers were spread. The crowd started to whisper and god knows what they were talking about.

I made my way infront of Jungkook, facing th girl. She gave me disgusting expressions and i rolled my eyes as more tears were spilling.

"How dare," I sniffled, "How dare you talk about my brother like that!!" I yelled in her face. Everyone was staring at me now, but I didn't care. At all.

She laughed and poked my soulder. "Liste-" She tried, but i cut her off. "No you listen!!" I spat, i was furious to the core at this point. "Sehun had depression!! He was lonely and you cheating on him, didn't help!!" I paused as I wiped my tears away. "You don't get to blame me! You don't even get to speak about him! You made it worse for him, and I hate you for it!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

She looked surprised, but then a smirk formed on her lips. "Sehun is dead, it dosen't matter that i cheated on him anymore. He was boring anyways." She rolled her eyes and i couldn't hold my anger anymore.

With that comment, I slapped her.

I slapped her hard across the face and the crwod gasped. "You bitch," She said trying to throw a punch at me, but Jungkook stopped her. "I think the fuck not." He said with a vold tone as he let go of her hand. "You will pay for this Y/N! No one dares to slap me!" She yelled, and i'm sure people on the 4th floor could hear it.

I turned around and i started to walk. I couldn't hold in my cries anymore and i started to run. I didn't want to cry infront of the whole school. "Y/N!" I could hear Jungkook call my name, but my mind didn't really process it because all i could think about was getting away from this hell hole and cry my heart out.


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