♡ Chapter 35

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It's been two weeks since you were sent away.

Every day was a struggle, and you don't even remember half of the things they've done to you. The people at the "institution" are psychopaths, there's no way that they're legitimate doctors because the things they have done to you are inhumane. It feels like they're trying to kill you step by step and you are getting more tired as every day passes. You feel empty, helpless, sore, all that, but most of all, your heart aches.

How is Jungkook? How's the love of your life?

Jungkook is a mess, no doubt. No one recognizes him anymore. He changed within the time period of two weeks. For him, it felt like 2 years. He wonders why you would leave him. It's just doesn't make sense to him. Just days before he found out, you had been in his arms, kissing him and telling him you love him.

And now you're gone. It doesn't make sense.

He's broken.

Jungkook leans against the cold concrete wall that he has stopped by to gain a little balance. He reeks of alcohol and his mind is numb, his hands are shaking as if a tiger is standing in front of him and he fears for his life but all his body can do is tremble and lose its balance because of how numb his mind and body feel, he reeks of alcohol and he wants to throw up, but he can't because he's focusing on standing straight while having the same thoughts run through his numb mind.

Why did you leave him? Why did you not say goodbye? Why didn't you mention any of this? Don't you love him anymore? Did you ever love him?

He's broken. He's broken and he doesn't know what to do with himself. He pants, his heart is beating fast and it's the only thing he can hear. "please don't have another panic attack, not now." is what he thinks to himself before not being able to breathe and then falling down to the ground so he can finally let it all out. He pukes and cries, trying to get a hold of himself because he's tired of being like this.

But he can't. Not with you gone and his heart broken.

"Y/N!!!!!" He shouts. "Y/N!" his voice cracks. "W-why did you.." He sobs. He bumps his head against the cold concrete and sobs. He wants to get a hold of himself, find out why you had to move and why you never mentioned anything because it doesn't make any darn sense!

But he can't. He had heard the words right out of your parent's mouths.

"We're moving and Y/N already left. I thought she had discussed that with you already? Anyways, she doesn't have a phone so it's no use in trying to contact her."

"B-But." Jungkook stuttered where he stood at Y/N's apparently old house now. "Can't I visit her-" "No. Uhm, she actually says that she doesn't want to see you, uhm I'm sorry." Your mom said and Jungkooks heart dropped instantly. He wanted to cry, but couldn't. He was blank, he couldn't believe this.

"No! You're lying!!" He shouted and your mom grew angry. "Listen, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about this." "She wouldn't do this!" "Please leave, or I'm calling the police."

Jungkook tried calling you. He left over a hundred voice messages, hoping that you'd at least hear them. Of course, you never did.

Jungkook stumbles down the streets not knowing where he's going. Taehyung keeps calling him, he's worried, but Jungkook couldn't care less. He isn't picking up unless it's your name he sees on the screen.

Just then, a vehicle approaches him and his eyes squint shut because of the bright car lights.

Taehyung steps out of the car and runs towards Jungkook who's trying to get away from him. "Jungkook! I've been looking all over for you!! Why aren't you answering my calls?." Taehyung grabs Jungkook's shoulders and Jungkook whines.

Same old shit, he doesn't want to hear it.

"Hey!" Taehyung shouts. "Leave me alone!!" Jungkook shouts back and he tries to get away from Taehyung's grip, but Taehyung's fights hard to keep him in place. But Jungkooks is stronger and even when drunk, he manages to push away Taehyung and he falls to the ground.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" He shouts and Taehyung gets up, trying to get another hold of Jungkook, but get's a fist in the face. Jungkook punches Taehyung and now his nose bleeds. Jungkook's panting. He looks down, sobbing. His sobs are turning into loud cries in which he struggles to breathe.

Taehyung hugs him.

He hugs him tight and they both sink down to the ground. Taehyung holds Jungkook in his arms while listening to the painful sounds of his best friend cry. He has never seen Jungkook cry like this, ever.

"Shh, I'm here. I'm here, it's gonna be alright." Taehyung says and holds Jungkook even tighter.

"H-Hyung" Jungkook says, his voice sounding extremely sore.


"I love her. I love her and it hurts, hyung. I don't know what t-to do-" Jungkook hiccups and he wants to puke again. He leans over and throws up again, Taehyung patting his back.

"It's going to be alright."

You wonder how Jungkook is doing. All you do is sit in your dark room and worry about the love of your life.

It's the only thing in your mind and it's been like that ever since you stepped into this building. This abandoned building or so-called "institution" is where hell truly comes true. Being electro shocked twice a day is now nothing and you are more scared of the medicines they give you. It makes you hallucinate and you see gruesome things that you never even imagined that you could imagine.

It's like hell for you in there. But still, you worry about Jungkook.

You have to get out of here, you have to find a way. For Jungkook.

You sit on your bed in your cold and white room, trying to draw all the corridors that you've been in, slowly regaining your strength from the pills. You think hard trying to come up with anything as you turn around every now and then to see if anyone is coming.

"Just wait a little longer, love"



I've been so inactive I'm sorry😭
I'll try to update more!!

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