♡ Chapter 10

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Jae-ho was laying on the floor grunting because of the pain.

'as you deserve, bastard'

People started to gather and I looked at Jungkook who looked back at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and straightened out my dress. I dragged my dress a little too far down so my cleavage got a little exposed. Jungkook saw this and I noticed that he got very annoyed. He turned towards with a blink of an eye and he covered my chest by dragging the dress over it. I loved that he was being so protective over me. "Stop looking hot. This is why the guys have trouble keeping their hands to themselves." He said with a serious face.

I scoffed, looking around to see if any teachers saw what Jungkook did. Luckily, no one did and I started to take of my heels beacuse they were killing me. Jungkook looked confused and he helped me hold my balance while I was taking them off. "Why are you taking your shoes off?" I looked up as I had taken them off. "Wanna get out of here?" I asked while motioning him to take my hand. "Isn't it still too ear-" I cut him off by stepping towards him and grabbing his hand. He was a little surprised at first but he quickly interwined our fingers.

"I didn't know you were this horny?" He chuckled. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to look at him. I smacked his head, but not to hard. Jungkook groaned and I continued to drag him with me. "We're gonna get food, bitchess" I said as if I was drunk, which I wasn't. Well, not yet atleast. "You're really crazy. I love it" He said laughing while I was still dragging him, almost stumbling. I let out a laugh and we'd almost reached the parking lot of the school.

"And what do we do now?" Jungkook said while I was looking up uber phone numbers on my phone. "Y/NNN" I didn't realize he was talking to me and he lifted me up and spun me around. I let out a squael and I started to hit his back. "YAH!" He let me down and he started to tickle me. "Jungkook sTOP!" I said, unable to speak because of laughing so much. He FINALLY stopped and I stomped his foot, still annoyed. "ouch!" He laughed, putting his hand on his heart, looking hurt.

'So extra smh'

I rolled my eyes and I looked back at my phone and I found the ubers number. I dialed it and I ordered a ride to a late night diner.  A/N: Imagine that they're going to a diner similar to the one in Riverdale, idk


We arrived at the diner and I was SO getting ready to stuff my mouth full with a hamburger. My mouth was almost watering from the thought. The lights from the diner was almost blinding me, it was beautiful.

We entered the diner and we sat down at the red leather seats across from each other. A waitress came towards us and she was wearing some quite reaveling clothes. It looked like her boobs were about to fall out from her shirt. She was on roller skaters so she rolled over to us.

Jungkook was still looking through the menu and he didn't even notice the waitress until she spoke up with her too high-pitched voice. "Hey! What can I get you?" She said whil chewing her gum and she looked ONLY at Jungkook.

'Bitch. Imma have food too?'

I slightly coughed and she rolled her eyes at me while getting ready to note our orders. "Umm, I'm going to have a hamburger with fries and a vanilla milkshake." I said and she just mouthed an 'ok'. She quickly shifted her gaze to Jungkook while purposely leaning forward, almost squezzing her boobs till it looked like they were going to pop. "What're you going to have, handsome?" The waitress then said. "I'm gonna have the same as her, but with a strawberry milkshake." Jungkook answered casually, ignoring her flirting.

The scene was hilarious.

I let out a, maybe too loud, laugh and the waitress scoffed while shooting me a bitchy glare. "Is something funny?" She said, putting one hand on her hip. Before I could speak up, Jungkook grabbed my hands that were on the table. "We'll wait on our order, thanks " He said while giving the waitress a sarcastic smile. When she was gone, I couldn't help but to break into laughter. Jungkook did as well.

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