♡ Chapter 33

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A/N: I love him so much it hurts:(


I had stayed over at Jungkook's place for the last two days and neither one of us had gone to school. I know that my parents are worried and that they are trying to find me, but I needed to get away. I needed to get away from my mother who doesn't want to recognize her own dead son in a picture in her kitchen.

She doesn't want to get reminded of him, reminded of his bright smiles when she knows he wasn't really happy. She couldn't have done anything and it tears her skin apart, so to endure it all, she blames me. She blames me in order to not get skinned alive by her consciousness and grief. It's my fault. It always is and it has always been that way. It will probably always be that way too.

And my father, my father is like mom's clone, but he doesn't target me directly. He follows my mother's every step like he doesn't have his own life or his own options. It's funny, really, a man in his forties who runs around chasing his wife. Sometimes I wonder if he really just is afraid of being alone. I think that might be his fear, being alone.

I'm eighteen, I don't need parents anyway. They surely don't need me either. What do I do now though? I know that I should go home sooner or later, I can't just move into Jungkook's house, which speaking of, is very luxurious. I had been here one time before because his parents are very strict and they don't want Jungkook to have a girlfriend. It's apparently 'bad for their business reputation'or whatever so I never really come here, but now that his parents had been out of town, we had the opportunity to crash here.

The house is huge, it's like a mini-mansion and there are only three people living here. All the interior is white and it all looks like something very wealthy people would own, which is what Jungkook's parents are, super wealthy. I don't mind spending time here though, it's nice, and being with Jungkook is even better.

We had been glued together the whole time, doing things new couples do, and I'm not only talking about cuddling or just kissing, no, we had been at it. I'm not sure if I'm able to walk straight at this point, no kidding.

"What're you thinking about, babe?" Jungkook asks, looking up from his game. "Hm?" I look up at him and he chuckles. "I said, what are you thinking about?" He chuckles at my absentminded self. "Oh, nothing special." I sigh, biting on my fingernails. "Tell me!" Jungkook whines, putting down his controller. "It's nothing important, really." I look at him and he raises his eyebrows. I think about having to leave him because of all of the possible drama that my mother might have caused since I'm practically missing.

I frown, looking down at my fidgeting fingers as I sit against the headboard of Jungkook's bed. Jungkook raises up and he walks towards me sitting beside me and he motions me to sit on his lap. He wraps his big arms around me and I pout as I will not be able to feel this later when I'm at home. I'll probably get grounded too so I won't really be able to see him outside of school. Knowing myself, I'm probably going to sneak out anyway.

"What's on your mind?" Jungkook asks and I stare down at my fingers that are fidgeting with his shirt. "It's just that, I don't wanna leave you." You say and Jungkook stays silent. "I'll have to go home soon, better if I go tonight, but I just," You breath out. "Baby, it's not like we're never gonna see each other again?" Jungkook says and my heart can't help but break at the thought of never seeing him again.

I know I'm exaggerating this whole thing, but I'm honestly scared of going home because I know I will feel the huge emptiness of not having Jungkook constantly around me. I always feel so safe when I'm with him, but what if I'll break down without him? I don't want to think about anything when I'm alone because I'm afraid that I'll go back to my old habit. My habit of hurting myself and I don't want to go back to that.

If I go home and my mother keeps up her fucked up mindset around me, I think I might just break and I don't want that. It wouldn't only be a huge step back for me, but it would also be unfair to Jungkook. Why should he always be the one to pick up my broken pieces? He shouldn't have to do that.

I'm just so afraid.

"I just have this weird feeling that something is gonna happen, I don't know, it's stupid," I say while blinking the half-formed tears in my eyes. Jungkook cups my face with his big hands, they almost cover half of my face. I pout while looking at him. "I love you." He says, sincerely. "Nothing will happen, baby, not when you have me, you're safe." "But, what if it does, what if I have nightmares again? I'm afraid, Jungkook." I say and he frowns. "Oh, baby." He coos while wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly. I wrap my arms around his neck and we hold each other for a minute. "I just don't wanna start at zero again, because of my parents." I say, my words coming out in a muffled way, my face being buried in his neck.

"You won't." He says, stroking my hair. "You've come a long way, you're strong, and besides, you don't have to leave for another week. My parents won't be home." Jungkook says and I pull away. "I really want to stay, for real, I literally just want to fucking be around you all the time, but you know I have to go home. I don't want any drama to start." I say and Jungkook purses his lips while playing with my hair. "I love you, okay? So, so much." I say and Jungkook's face immediately warms up. "C'mere." He says flipping us over. "Ahh!" I squeal and Jungkook presses his lips on mine, starting a make-out session. I grab onto his shoulders and we move in rhythm with each other, tilting our heads for better access. We finally pull away after what had seemed like forever.

"What was that for?" I ask, smiling like an idiot while feeling my cheeks burning up. "Can't I kiss my girlfriend?" He smirks and leans in to kiss me again. His lips leave mine as he trails kisses alongside my jawline and to my neck. Kissing the purple spots from earlier. "It tickles!" I squeal and he smiles against my skin. My lips then part and I close my eyes because of his tongue that swirls on my sensitive spots. "Don't tickle now, does it?" I shake my head even though I know Jungkook might not see it.

"J-Jungkook." I stutter as his hands roam under my shirt. "Hm?" He answers. I sit up. "I'm pretty sure that I'm not able to walk and I don't want to completely disable my legs." I say and Jungkook smirks. "What can I say? I'm a sex god." He utters, proudly and I roll my eyes. He pecks my lips before lying down with his head resting on my stomach. "Jungkook, I have to get going, its getting dark out," I whine but Jungkook doesn't budge. "Jungkook," "babeeee,"

He groans. "Baby, I have to go." I say and he finally raises up. "I know." He pouts before getting his car keys. "Come on, I'll drive you." He smiles, I smile back.


I open the door to my house, and once I do, I'm met with the gaze of four people. Two of them being my parents and the other two being strangers wearing some kind of nurse clothes.

"Where have you been?" My mother rushes towards me with an angry expression. "No where." I answer bluntly, my face showing no emotion at all. "What's going on?" I ask as the two nurses look at me intensively.

"Y/N," My mother looks down before finally gathering courage and continuing.

"We've talked a lot and," she looks at the strangers before returning her gaze at me, "and we've decided that,"

What she says next, is something that leaves me shocked and I never thought that my mother would go this far:

"you're going to be put in a mental institution."


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