♡ Chapter 30

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The trip is over and Jungkook had just dropped me off at my house and I'm now sitting on my bedroom floor, trying to unpack. Taehyung wasn't riding with us this time, he was in Jin's car instead, probably to avoid me. We haven't talked because of him being really grumpy and stubborn.

Jungkook keeps saying that he's jealous and that he has some kinds of feelings for me, but I don't know if that is true. I honestly hope it isn't. I don't want to come in between his realtionship with Jungkook, seeing as I'm Jungkook's girlfriend now.

"Screw this."

I give up on the unpacking, being too lazy. I run downstairs before I grab a bowl of popcorn and sit down on the couch, ready to have a kdrama marathon all night even though it's a school night. The thought of going back to school makes me shiver as I'm so tired of sitting in that place all day long with bitchy girls and moody teachers.

My phone vibrates and I open up my phone only to see a text message from.... my mom? I arch my eyebrows before I enter my password and unlock my phone.


Hello, sweetie. Sorry for not coming back for christmas. Open the front door ;)

I go to the door, confused, before opening it and revealing my parents standing with their luggage on the porch.

"Hi!" My mom exclaims before rushing into a hug while I stand on the spot, frozen. So now they decided to show up? After several months of being gone. They've never been gone for that long and they barely even called.

I slightly push her away and she looks at me with worry. "What is it?" She asks, checking my forehead as if I have a fever. "Nothing." I mumble, looking to the side. She frowns before her phone starts to ring loudly, filling the no longer empty house. "I'm sorry, it's work, I gotta take this." She walks past me, going to the kitchen. I sigh before bringing the heavy luggage inside, waiting for my dad to help and he soon does. He greets me, almost as if I'm a stranger, before he marches in with some bags.

My mom gets off the phone sooner than I thought and she walks towards me, going in for another hug, but quickly stops when she sees what stands on one of the shelfs.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not put that up? Why won't you listen?"

I feel my heart sink, looking at the picture. God, how beautiful he was. He had his whole life ahead of him. He would've gotten a great education and he would've worked with the people in the higher ups. He was so smart. So passionate and caring.

My mother quickly turns the framed in piture of Sehun down, the backside facing the ceiling. "Why can't his picture be there?" I feel my blood boil, not wanting to put up with how my mother handels her 'grief'. "You know why, Y/N." She sighs, as if it's nothing, seeing a picture of her dead son. "No, I don't!" I step towards her, my fists thightly balled up.

"Let's not do this, Y/N." My mom turns away, ready to walk away, like she walks away from all of her problems and responsibilities.

"Than when will you accept it?" I ask, my mother turning around, facing me with a frustrated face. "Y/N!" She hisses and I scoff, rolling my eyes. "I'm warning you, Y/N, don't drag this." She says raising her index finger as if I'm some kind of a dog she can tame. "Or what? huh?" I almost yell,

"you'll officially accuse me of murdering my own brother?" I exclaim, making her grit her teeth.

"Cause that's what you and dad think," I feel my eyes fill as I continue, "You really think that it's my fault huh? You fucking hate me that much?!" I yell, almost choking on my tears.

I turn around, ready to go, but my mother grabs my arm. "Where are-"

She pulls up my sleeve, my scars on full display for her eyes to see.


Breathing, cars outside in the streets —but still silence.

She harshly pulls me back to face her, putting her hands on both of my shoulders. "Are you crazy?" She hisses, shaking me roughly. My eyes widen. I can't really see her face due to the blurriness of my tears in my eyes. "Let go!" I squeal, trying to loosen her grip. She let's go, her hair is ruffled up and she is close to breaking down in tears.

"I'm getting you help." She tries grabbing my arm again but I shake it away from her grip. "No!" I yell. "Yes, you're ill!" She yells back and I laugh hysterically. "You think this is bad?" My voice cracks as I roll up my other sleeve, showing her more scars. She puts her hand on her mouth whilst her cheeks quickly gets covered in tears.

"Do you ever think about what a horrible parent you are?!" I yell, my throat hurting and my heart pounding.

"Do you only care about yourself??!"

"Did you ever care about Sehun??!"

"He killed himself!!"

" I hate you, I hate you!"

I yell and yell and yell, watching my mom take it all in while breaking down.

"I fucking wanted to kill myself too!!"

It wasn't meant to come out of my mouth. It's like I triggered a bomb.


My mom gasps, her hand shaking, putting her hand back on her mouth.

My cheeks stings after the hard hit that came from my mother, my hair being all over my face. She reaches her hand to my face, but I slap it away. I look at her as she mouthes quiet 'sorrys'. It looks like she will fall at any second, but that is far away from my concerns. I nod at her, my under lip shivering as I'm about to break down and cry.

My father rushes down the stairs, staring at the scene before he checks on my mother.

I scoff, my tears streaming down my cheeks. I quickly put my shoes on before I run out in the cold winter wind before anyone can try to stop me. I run down the streets, not stopping. I run as fast as I can, not knowing where I'm going. I get goosebumps as I'm only in a t-shirt.

What do I do that is so wrong?

Why won't my parents love me?

Why do they hate me?

All these questions, desired to be answered, but there aren't anyone honest enough to do that.

I take my phone out of my sweatpants, dialing the number belonging to the only person I fully can rely on.

"Hello, babe, what's up?" His voice, so warming and soft. My eyes fill up with tears again. I wait for a moment before answering.

"Hey." My voice cracks and I'm sure Jungkook hears.

"What's wrong?" His voice is immediatly changed to a darker, more serious tone, as if he's ready to kill whoever hurt me. "I-It's," I swallow hard, my eyes swollen at the amount of tears escaping them.

"Where are you, I'll come get you. Don't move."


So I've decided to continue this story after all and give it a plot so stay tuned and please share it! 🌙

Check out my other story:
The Casino, k.th

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