Chapter 1

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Spotify playlist is called Sins of the Mother and it's under Alana Riddle

3 months later

   People are always coming and going. It's crazy to me how life can change forever in the blink of an eye. I had once thought I had it all when I was a young model and a popular teenager in school. I thought I had known everything, and that life would never be difficult for me because I knew what I wanted out of it. In the blink of an eye that changed and I was thrusted into a world where nothing made sense until I fell in love with the person I thought ruined my life. I again thought I had everything together and that things would aways be the same. If I've learned anything in these past couple years it's that life is meant to change, but not always for the better.

"Have you finished scrubbing those toilets yet Riddle?" Carlotta hollered at me through the door. "Just a second!" I shouted as I hopped up from my seat on the lid of the toilet. With my shift far from over I had an overwhelming tired spell that I believed was worth of a rest. Fleeman's market, the reason I'm able to keep a roof over my family's heads, is the place I dread spending most of my time at. Two angels slept peacefully in the back office. Mr.Lem said it was fine, but I knew he didn't like it. It seems like I can never catch a break these days. Months have passed and still I am unaware of the whereabouts of Tom. He's like a distant memory, and sometimes I start to think it was all a dream that I married Voldemort. The only things that remind me it was all real are my twins. Everyday I watch them get older and smarter and every milestone they meet all I can think about is how their father is missing all of it. An overwhelming sadness washes over me as I think about him. I wonder if Raven and Scarlett think about him. I wonder if he thinks about us.

Slamming the toilet brush down on the wash basin, I ripped off my gloves and clutched the counter leaning forward. I slowly lifted my head to look at myself in the mirror as I tried to catch my breath from working vigorously all morning. My tired eyes took in my disgruntled appearance making me frown in disgust. My blonde hair clung to my sweaty forehead and neck, and my skin was oily and flushed. The bags under my eyes told everyone I came in contact with just how little I've been able to sleep these days. A sigh escaped my dry, cracked lips as I wiped the sweat off my brow with my arm. There's got to be a better way.

"This is for the birds," my coworker Margie said as she mopped the floor. "We're the birds," I muttered as I threw my cleaning supplies into the closet. "New schedule's up," Carlotta barked at me as she rushed past me in her fancy designer shoes. I rolled my eyes as she began criticizing my cleaning job. The snobbish, redhead glared at me as I ignored her comments. I'm off the clock as far as I'm concerned and I can hear my twins becoming restless. "These floors are not done," Carlotta hollered at me as I made my way to the front office to retrieve my children. "Margie's working on them, I'll go over them tomorrow morning. I have to go if I'm going to get to my other job on time," I said quickly, disregarding her rude comments. Carlotta doesn't even work here, infact she isn't even the owner, but the owner's current fling. Her nagging makes me want to hex her, but fear of Ministry of Magic caused me to place a strict minimal magic rule on myself. I've only ventured into the wizarding world once in the past three months, but I've learned they've really buckled down on wizards and witches. I knew it was Tom's fault, more and more muggles were turning up dead with no cause of death. The Ministry of Magic was aware from the start that some wizards were hunting down muggles and muggle born wizards by the hand full. I knew very well who was behind these murders, and I had wondered if Tom was getting reckless but I knew he had always been. Careless is something he wasn't, but it was easy to see he was becoming arrogant fast as if he wasn't already. He was mocking the Ministry with his carelessness. He didn't bother to cover up his trail and it was scary.

Sometimes I wonder if his muggle murders are like a jab at me for choosing to stay on the muggle side of things, that is if he knows where I am which wouldn't be too difficult to find. He had always said how I was becoming "muggle-washed" and he hated it. I knew he always hated muggles, but when I read in the paper that the florist shop I used to frequent had burned down with everyone in it I knew it was meant to get me back for leaving. Not a day goes by that my heart doesn't ache for the women who died because of my evil, sadistic husband. The sickest thing is my heart also aches for him...still after all this time.


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So so so sorry for the wait. I got my heart broken unexpectedly and I've been trying to push through it but I've found that writing Roslyn's story is easier since ya know we're both broken by men. Anyway more to come hope you enjoy this story.

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