Virgil... (Platonic Moxiety)

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Warning: it is implied that Virgil self-harms

-Patton's POV-

I noticed that Virgil hasn't been himself lately. I mean, yeah, he's always in general gloomy, but he's somehow gotten worse. He almost never comes out of his room anymore, and I'm starting to really worry about him. I decided that I'm going to talk with him today.

<time skip>

I walk up to Virgil's door and I knock. Of course, he doesn't respond, so I speak up. "Virgil, it's me, Patton. Can I come in please, kiddo?" I say. I hear nothing for a long while.

-Virgil's POV-

Patton's at my door. I really don't feel like getting up. I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to disappear. But, he's one of the only ones I trust, so eventually, I get up and unlock the door before sitting back down.

A moment later, Patton walks in and shuts the door, locking it. Well, at least he's considerate. That's why I trust him.

"Hey, kiddo, can we talk?" He says, looking a little concerned. I don't like it when he looks like that, so I answer him. "Sure, Dad. What do you need?" I say. "Kiddo, you've been acting differently and I'm worried about you. Do you trust me enough to tell me what's going on?" He says. I don't respond at first. I mean, I don't want to keep this to myself, but I don't want him to think I'm being dramatic.

-Patton's POV-

Virgil didn't respond right away, but I gave him some time. Eventually, he made up his mind to talk.

"Dad... I... I have d-depression... A-and... I feel like no one... Wants m-me around a-anymore..." he says. That broke my heart. "Oh, Virgil.... You don't... You don't self-harm or anything, do you?" I ask, concern practically dripping from my voice.

Virgil doesn't answer, instead, he just tenses slightly and pulls in his left arm almost unnoticeabaly. But I saw it, and it absolutely crushed me.

-Virgil's POV-

What was I supposed to say? I can't lie to Patton, he's like a father to me. I think he saw me tense up, though, because his expression changed from concern to heartbroken. I was already crying, and that just made me feel worse. Great. I'm burdening yet another person. I should just die...

-Patton's POV-

When I see Virgil start crying harder, I pull him into a hug and start stroking his hair, trying to calm him. No wonder he wears a hoodie all the time...

"Virgil... Why didn't you tell me sooner? I care about you, and I could've helped you get some of those nasty feelings off your chest. I know what it's like to feel pain, kiddo, but you can't surpress it. That will only end badly." I say to him. He looks back at me and starts talking again.

"P-pl-ease d-don't tell the o-oth-thers... I-i don't w-want them to th-th-ink that I'm path-thetic..." he says through sobs. I just hug him and try to get him to calm down.

"Shh, shh, I promise I won't tell them if you don't want me too. But please, don't harm yourself anymore. I'll be here when you need to vent or cry, I promise. If you ever need to talk in private and we're around the others, just say 'purple', that way, I'll know you need to talk, okay kiddo?"

"Th-tha-ank you D-dad. I-i will." I keep shushing him until he ends up falling asleep. I lay him down and find his blade in his desk. I take it and leave his room.

"Goodnight, Virgil."

This may or may not be based on a conversation I had with someone... Regardless, I hope you enjoyed!

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