I've Done Nothing Wrong (Anxceit)

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Warning: Mild lemon (like it doesn't go too into detail, but still)

-Virgil's POV-

I was sitting down in the living room because I was home alone. Well, alone, but with one other person. I haven't seen him, though, so I was just relaxing.

On hindsight, I shouldn't have gotten so cozy.

"Why, hello Virgil. What might you be doing?" I hear an all to familiar voice say. I wouldn't ever admit this, but Deceit would actually be an experience to date if he wasn't so... You know... Him.
"What's wrong; cat got your tongue?" he says. I turn around to find him leaning his head on the backside of my chair. I feel my face heat up, and I try in vein to stop it.

"Oh? Virgil, if I'm not crazy, you're blushing right now~" he says as he puts his finger on my nose. I pulled my face away from his hand and he feigns a hurt face. "What? I can't touch you?" he says.
"Deceit, what do you want?" I ask him. "Not you." he says in his 'opposite tone', as I like to call it. Anything he says in that tone means the opposite of what he says.


"Me? What do you mean you want me?!" I ask him. He chuckles and walks around to the front of the chiar I was sitting in. I back up to the back of the chair. I actually like Deceit, but I'm just scared he'll toy with me if I let him get close.
He puts his hands on the arms of the chair, effectively trapping me here. He smirks and says, "Virgil, you seem afraid."

"I'm not afraid! I just... Don't... Like you..." I say. Again, on hindsight, I really shouldn't lie to Deceit.
"Oh? Please, explain why." he says, still smirking. "Y-you're a liar. You always have something... Bad planned." I say, stuttering a little.

"What an accusation. I've don't nothing wrong, dear Virgil~" he says to me. I try so hard not to blush further at this situation. "Aww, what's wrong~? You look flushed, Virgil~"
"Wh... What do you want?" I ask him again.

"I told you; I want you."

-Deceit's POV-

Virgil is so adorable when he's embarrassed. I also quite like the way he looks with a blush across his face...
"Want me...? Want me how?" he asks. His flustered state makes me laugh as I say, "Well, I couldn't possibly come up with multiple answers to that question..."

He picks up on my implication and hides his face. "Why me? Why do you only torment me?" Virgil says, his voice muffled by his hands.
"I'm not tormenting you..." I say. "Yes, you really are." he says, dragging his hands down his face. "Pray tell, then, how am I tormenting you?"

"You... You just..  You're you!!" he says, not really giving me a sound reason. "Heheh... I think... I think you're nervous, Virgil." I say. Virgil blushes more, if that's even possible, and says, "I-im not nervous! Why would I be?!"
"If I were to take a random, wild guess, it's because you like me, Virgil~" I tell him.

"Wh-whatever! Why would I like you?! You've never done anything for me or anyone else, so why-" I cut off his rambling by kissing him. He gasps in surprise, but eventually, and reluctantly, melts into the kiss.

I pull away from him, and I swear he makes a noise of disapproval. "I told you." I say simply. His face was flushed and his eyes were half closed. "J-just because you kissed d-doesnt mean I like you..."

-Virgil's POV-

Right after I say that, Deceit smirks. "Oh? Well then, what if we kissed again~?" he says, holding my chin up with his hand. "This is wrong on so many levels..." I mutter.
"Hmm." Deceit says before kissing me again. I kiss back, though reluctantly. I honestly like Deceit. I do. It just feels... Wrong liking him.

"Okay, if this is going to happen, I'd rather not have the others come back to you kissing me and stuff..." I say to him. "But of course." he says before snapping his fingers. Well, I don't know where we were, but I think it's Deceit's room.
"Now then, where were we?" he says. This time, I'm the one who lunges at him and kisses him. He grunts in surprise, but wraps his arms around me.

"My, my, Virgil. How long have you been trying to avoid this?" Deceit asks. "Longer than you'll ever know." I tell him. He drags his hands up my body, making me shiver.
"You know, you shouldn't hide emotions like that." he says before kissing my neck. Unconsciously, I tilt my head up and start talking to him. "I-i know th-that, but-" I couldn't finish that sentence, because Deceit kisses me again, only this time, it was more desperate.

He licks my bottom lip and we both deepen the kiss. Obviously, he's the dominant one here.

-Deceit's POV-

Aww, look. I've rendered Anxiety speechless. How cute.

We pull away, but I immediately put my mouth back on his neck. "D... Deceit... We really shouldn't..." Virgil says between his pants for air. I look up to him and say, "That just makes it more fun, Virgil~" and I go back to his neck.
He groans in a way that I've never heard before, and I think I like it. "Look at you, Virgil; you're completely at my mercy. Totally not erotic at all..." I say to him.

"Y-you're the one who started th-this!" he says defensively. I chuckle at this and say, "Indeed, and I plan on finishing it."
"Oh, yeah? And you're just going to make me?" Virgil says, even though I know he's teasing. I smirk to myself and pin him to my wall. "Yes, I am. Is that a problem~?" I ask him.

"No. Not at all." he pants.

Look, I finally did one with Deceit. Maybe it's because I hate him a lot less now heh. I would have written more, but two things:
1. I suck at it.
2. I'm not sure you guys would want that, at least not in this book. Maybe, just maybe, I'll make one specifically for that.

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