Dad Mode (Platonic Logicality)

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So I was joking around on facebook and asked if this should be taken as a request and everyone said yes so... Here ya go UwU

Also warning: if puking upsets you in any way, read with caution because Logan is sick in this one.

-Virgil's POV-

"Logan, come on! You've thrown up three times already and it's only 9:30 a.m.!" I say, stroking Logan's backs he leaned over the toilet. Logan groaned and said, "No. I'm fine." He wipes his mouth and stands up.
"No, I'm telling Patton." I say, starting to walk to his room. "No, stop! He'll just go full ‘Dad mode’!" Logan says, holding me back. "...There's more than one way to get Patton here, Logan." I say.

I clear my throat and yell, "I don't care about myself!" Soon, I hear Patton running down the stairs. He comes up to me and says, "I will phYsICaLy FigHT YoU!"
"Dad, Logan's sick." I say before Logan could stop me. "No! No, no, no!" Logan says. Patton looks at Logan as I break free from his grasp.

"Logie, is that true?" Patton says, walking up to Logan and putting his hand to his forehead. Logan quickly pulls away and says, "N-no, I'm fine."
"Logan, you're burning up!" Patton says. "No I'm not. I'm not on fire." Logan says. "No, he means your temperature is really high." I tell him.

"How would he know? He doesn't have a thermo-" Logan cute himself off, seeing Patton summon a thermometer. "....I'm done." he says, starting to walk away.
"Logan, get back here right now." Patton says in his Dad Voice. Logan jumps and stops walking. Patton walks over to him and I go back to my room.

-Logan's POV-

Ignoring Patton in Dad mode is a bad idea. Trust me, I've tried. He walks up to me and says, "Open your mouth and put this under your tongue."
"I'm not an idiot..." I say before doing what he says. Patton presses the button and waits for it to beep. When it did, he pulled it out and checked it.

"104 degrees?! Logan, go lay down!" Patton says. "But-"
"Now." He demands. I begrudgingly go to my room and sit on the bed. Patton soon comes to my room with a washcloth and what I assume is water.

"Patton, this really isn't necessary..." I say, embarrassed about this whole situation. "Logan, as the logical side, I would expect you to know that having a fever that high is extremely dangerous." he says, pushing me slightly to tell me to lay down. I reluctantly lay down and Patton puts the washcloth on my forehead, making me flinch.
"This is... Unnecessary. I hate this. It's embarrassing." I tell him. "Complaining isn't going to make this any better. I'll be right back." Patton says.

I'm glad we were in the mindscape, because shortly after he left, I had to throw up again. I summoned a bucket for myself, not enjoying the somewhat violent action.

-Patton's POV-

I walk back to Logan's room only to find him sitting up, holding a bucket as he threw up. I walk over, gently rubbing his shoulder as I waited for it to stop.
He gagged a few times before sighing and putting away the bucket. "You still wanna try to tell me you're not sick?" I ask. "...No..." Logan says eventually.

"I'm only trying to look out for you, Logie." I say, handing him some medicine that's supposed to help with stomach aches. "P-patton, you'll get sick too if you stay around me." He tells me, taking the medicine afterwards.
"That's okay. As long as you're taken care of, I'll be okay." I tell him. He groans and says, "I don't know if that'll stay down..." I sigh, feeling sympathetic for Logan.

I don't know what it is, but any time one of the other sides has something wrong with them, I feel compelled to help them. Almost like an instinct...

"I need to go make breakfast for the kiddos. Call if you need me, alright?" I tell him. He nods and tries to get some rest.
I go downstairs and make pancakes for Roman and Virgil, calling them down when they're done.

-Logan's POV-

Resting is very hard right now. My stomach feels so uneasy and I feel like I'm sitting in a pit of fire. I don't like to show emotion, but even I had to admit I was crying right now. I felt terrible. I just wanted to feel better.

About an hour later, Patton comes up to check on me. "Logie?" he says gently. "Y-yes?" I respond, looking up to him weakly. I hated being sick. It renders me so... Useless, for lack of a better word.
"You... Look like you've been crying..." He notices. I wipe my eyes and say, "Being sick isn't exactly comfortable..."

"I know, Logie... I brought you some crackers. You don't have to eat them all at once, but I do want you to try to eat okay?" Patton says, handing me a handful of crackers. I nod, taking them and setting them down.
"Patton..." I say before throwing up again. "Oh-" Patton says, not being able to do much at the moment.

When I was done with that, Patton summoned a cloth and helped to clean up what hadn't gotten in the bucket.
"I'm so sorry..." I say.

-Patton's POV-

Logan apologized, making me look up at him. He was flushed and pale, making me worry. "For what?" I ask.
"I... I got sick. I should know how to take care of myself..." he says. I shake my head and say, "Logan, everyone gets sick. It's okay."
He sighs, holding his forehead. "... It hurts..." He says. I give him an understanding smile and say, "I know. Try to eat a cracker, okay?" He nods, picking one up and nibbling at it.

"Logie?" I say. He looks at me, telling me to continue. "Why didn't you wanna tell me?" I ask. Logan sighs and says, "I... Get embarrassed when I'm ‘babied’ like this. Not that I don't appreciate it, but it's just... Embarrassing for me." he says.

"Oh... Well, you need to be taken care of, so..." I tell him. He smiles and says, "Yes, I know. Thank you, Patton." I smile back and say, "You're welcome, Logie!"

I know this probably sucked, so I'm sorry.

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