Virgil... pt. 2 (Platonic Moxiety)

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It was only a matter of time before I did a part two to this. Also because writing about having depression is easy when you have firsthand experience. Okay, onward.

-Patton's POV-

We were recording a Sanders Sides video, and everything was pretty good. Well, that is, until I noticed Virgil looking more upset than usual.

"Virgil, you good, son?" I say. He looks at me and he says, "Yeah, just deep in thought about what the color purple could mean." That's my cue to get him away somehow.

"Uh, Thomas? I think I left Virgil's other jacket in the wash, can we go check?" He looks at me, then at Virgil, and says, "Yeah, should I pause the video, or...?" I shrug sheepishly and leave with Virgil.

-Virgil's POV-

I've been depressed all day, and we had a video to appear in. Of course, that's when I start feeling worse. Patton notices and asks if I'm okay. I subtly use my 'I-need-to-talk' word, and he understands immediately. He gets us away and talks to me in the laundry room.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He says. We sit down and I say, "I just... I don't feel wanted, Dad, and I've been getting worse. It's like, you're the only person who I'm staying alive for. Like if you weren't around, I would probably kill myself. Like no one... Cares. And, I can't feel emotions correctly, either."

He looks at me, both concerned and listening, and says, "What exactly do you mean by that?" I sigh as I try to think of the words.
"Like, the only thing I can f-feel if I'm by myse-elf is pain and s-sadness. I-i can't feel h-happy unless someone helps m-me." I started to cry. Great.

-Patton's POV-

My poor son has started to cry. I think about what he said and reply, "Well, if talking to me makes you happy, keep doing that. If you have anything else that makes you feel better, do that. Maybe if you keep doing what makes you happy, you can lessen those feelings." he looks at me, and then looks down.

"I-i don't know... I mean, I've been trying so hard to understand why I feel this way, but it just isn't working. I can't seem to get rid of it..." he says. "I can understand that. I mean, I'm Thomas's heart, I know exactly how you feel right now. You know what helped me?" I say to him. He looks at me and says, "What?"
"Knowing that there's at least one person who loves me. Just remember that I love you, Virgil." He nods and says, "Thanks, dad. We should probably get back to the video..." I shake my head. "Not unless you're ready. I can even tell Thomas you got sick if you want-" He cuts me off.

"No, it's fine. Besides, I was thinking about telling the others... But, if I can't, will you?" I nod and say, "yeah, sure thing, kiddo."

We head back to the others, and get a questioning look from all of them.
"That took longer than necessary." Logan says. "I agree. I don't think you were checking the laundry at all." Roman says. "Yeah, guys, is everything okay?" Thomas asks.

"No, it's not..." I hear Virgil say. "Y-you see... I... Um..." come on, kiddo. "I can't do this. What was I thinking?" He starts getting really anxious.

-Virgil's POV-

No. I can't do this. I don't know why I even considered it.

"Do you want me to say it?" Patton says. On one hand, yes. I really do. But on the other, I kinda want to say it myself... But I don't know if I can...
"...yea..." I eventually say. Patton nods and turns to the others.

"Guys, Virgil has been having some unwanted voices in his head-" "Well, I think it's an issue if he's hearing voices." Logan interrupts. I roll my eyes and say,  "No, as in... I'm just going to say it. I. Have. Depression. Okay? My mind constantly tells me to go kill myself, that no one cares. That if I died, no one would notice because I'm too insignificant. Because I don't matter." He looks taken aback.

"Virgil! By the gods, why didn't you tell us?! We all care, even me! I swear it, if it makes you feel better, I will try not to fight with you anymore!" Roman panics. Thomas turns to me and says, "Yeah, Virgil, we all care about you. We all need you. We would be devastated if you died." Logan remains quiet.

"Good job, kiddo." I hear Patton say quietly. Then, finally, Logan speaks. "Virgil, as I don't understand emotion, I cannot help you. However, if you can locate the source of this, perhaps we can manipulate how it affects you." Well, it's not a great heart warmer, but at least it tells me he cares.

"Thank you, guys. Really." I say. They nod. "Of course. But I do have a question. Why did Patton know before us?" Roman says. "...I noticed him acting different, so I talked to him in private and he told me. I know how people tend to act when they're upset or sad..." Patton says. Oh, so that's how he knew.

"Regardless, we're happy you told us, Virgil. And remember, you can count on us to never leave you behind, because we all love you." Thomas says. I nod and they all hug me.

"I love you, my dark, strange son." Patton says, making me smile. "Love you too, Pop star."

I wish this happened to me lol... Sorry it's been a while, it's hard to come up with prompts. Anyway, I hope you have a nice day/night.

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