"What is a ship?" (Logicality)

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-Third person POV-

"There's a lot of neat-o artwork they've done for us, kiddos. And some writing, too. Say, what is a 'ship'?" Patton says, looking at his computer.
"Seriously, Morality? You don't know what that is? It is a craft designed for water travel." Logan replies, confused as to why the question was asked.

"Even Prince knew that." Virgil said. "Yeah, even I knew that." Roman says, preoccupied with his camera.

"Okay. It does not look like that, but okay." Patton says. After the video end card was over, Logan asked, "What do you mean? Let me see." He took Patton's computer and looked at it.

-Logan's POV-

Morality just questioned what a ship was, and then denied what I say it is. Now, I'm curious, so I look at his computer. "Logic...ality? What does that mean?" I say, thoroughly perplexed.

"Well, it's got me and you in it, so maybe it's about us fusing together like in Steven Universe!" Morality exclaims. "Perhaps. Would you be bothered if I joined you in your reading?" I ask, purely out of curiosity. Nothing more.

"Sure thing, Logic! Let's go tithe living room." He says. "Satisfactory." I reply and we both sit on the couch and begin reading.

<time skip>

-Patton's POV-

We got done reading 2 stories so far. The first one was cute, it made me and Logic kiss each other on the Ferris Wheel! But the second one... Uh, I won't say anything about that. There are children around, ya know? Let's just say me and Logic... Um... Really liked each other in the story.

"...Morality? Please tell me that is not what you meant by 'ship'...." Logic says, blushing a bit. "I... It.... Uh..." I can't even form sentences. I was absolutely flustered. "W-well, I didn't think people would take it that far..." I'm finally able to say.

"Well, the first one we read was... What's the word..." Logic says, looking through his vocab cards. How adorable. "cuuuuuute? Is that a satisfactory term?" He says. Gosh, he really isn't good at saying lovey words.

"Yep, that's how you'd uh.. Use that, Logic. Good job!" I say, still slightly embarrassed.

-Logan's POV-

Morality was flushed. I don't think he is ill, therefore, I deduced that he is embarrassed. Rightfully so, considering we just read a story about me and him-

"Yep, that's how you'd uh.. Use that, Logic. Good job!" I hear him say, cutting off my thoughts. He is rather attractive, more so when he is flustered. Wait, what? Logan, answer him first!
"Th-Thank you, Morality. I have... A question for you." Why am I asking this? Oh well, too late now.

"Yeah, what is it?" He says, turning his head to me in the most innocent way. "You were smiling while we read the first one, therefore, I can only assume you enjoyed it. Would you... Enjoy a more... Real situation, as well?" What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?

"Logic...? Are you.... Asking me out..?" He inquires. Oh, jeez, I'm feeling emotions. Help me.

"I suppose what I'm trying to say is, do you want to begin a relationship with me? If you don't, that's totally-" I was cut off.

-Patton's POV-

Logic was rambling, but he just asked me out. Of course I wanted to go out with him! But he won't stop talking enough for me to say that, so I lean into him and kiss him. Now, this was my first kiss, so I didn't really know what I was doing, but I soon pulled away to say: "Logic, you dork. Yes, I will be your boyfriend." I say, smiling.

He looked freaked out at first, which is understandable, considering he doesn't understand emotion very well. But then his face softened and he gave me a small smile. Awwwww, he's so cute when he smiles!!

"Logan." He says.

-Logan's POV-

After Morality kisses me, he smiles and confirms my question. I then say,  "Logan." He looks at me confused, so I continue.

"Well, I figure if we are now dating, you should know my name. Logan." I say, answering his unasked question. He smiles wider, and then says,
"Well, in that case, you can call me Patton! But... Uh, do you think we should wait to tell the others?" he says.

Patton... What a wonderful name...

"Yes, I think it would be best to wait." I answer. "Okay, well, I wanna say this first! I love you, Logan!" He says to me. Him saying my name made me smile, and I rarely smile.

"I l-loove you too, Patton." I still struggle with that word.

-Patton's POV-

Aww, he's trying. Well, this is nice! I know his name now! Logan... It sounds so... Smart. Just like him! I giggle and then say, "You wanna watch a movie, Logan?"

He thinks before saying, "Yes, I would like to watch Big Hero 6, if that is alright by you, Patton." Ooh, a Disney movie! "Sure thing!" I say as I put the movie on. Then I summon blankets so I could cuddle with my new boyfriend. He had to take a moment to get used to it, but eventually smiled and kissed my forehead.

The rest of our day was watching Disney movies until I ended up falling asleep in Logan's lap. I love him so much.

So, this was inspired by one of the end cards. It takes place before all their name reveals. Hope you enjoyed, and if you're reading this in November, Happy Turkey Day (if you celebrate it)!

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