Your eyes (Logicality)

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I don't know with the photo, I ran out of ideas.

-Patton's POV-

Hi, I'm Patton. I represent Thomas's morality and his heart. That being said, I have all his feelings. But lately, something really cool and strange has been happening. My eyes change color according to my mood.

This started about 2 days ago, so the others haven't seen yet. How am I going to hide it from them?
I eventually decide to go downstairs to eat something. I see Logan, and I can already tell what color my eyes were: Pink. I quickly look away when he sees me.

-Logan's POV-

I'm sitting in the kitchen eating a PBJ with Crofters and I see Patton walk by. He sees me and immediately turns away. Strange.
"Salutations, Patton." I say simply. He flinches and faces me with his eyes closed.

"OH! Oh, hi, Logan! How are you doing?" He inquires. Why is he closing his eyes? Is he in pain? "Patton, do your eyes hurt?" I ask. His eyes open for just a moment before he closes them again. Strange, I could have sworn they looked purple just now...

"Y-yep! They do! I uh... Should go back to my room now, bye Logan!" And with that, he runs off.
This is slightly disconcerting...

-Patton's POV-

I'm going to ask Roman what to do. He's the only one I can think of that might have an answer...
I knock on his door.

"Who is it?" he asks in his loud, royal voice. "Patton, I need your help!" I say frantically. He opens the door and I close my eyes.

-Roman's POV-

I open my door to find Patton with his eyes closed. Weird. "Patton..?" I say.

"Roman, I have an issue that started a couple days ago, and I need your help!" He says, sounding panicked. "Okay, calm down. What is this 'issue' you speak of?" I ask. He opens his eyes... Wait... His eyes. They're purple.

"Uhhh..." Before I can ask, he says, "I know! My eyes started changing colors!" "Wait, so they don't just stay purple?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Are they purple? Darn... Purple means fear. I'm afraid right now!" He says.

"What are you afraid of, Patton?" I ask him. His eyes slowly change from purple to blue, which I assume means sadness. "I'm afraid Logan will think I'm a freak... I don't want that, because..." He trails off, and his eyes start turning pink. What does pink mean?

"Because I- I like him. No, I love him. And I don't want this to interfere with that..." He says. Okay, so pink must mean love.

"He won't. I'm almost positive that, at the most, he will be confused, but I think you should confess." I say.
"Really?" He says. I nod, and he walks out with a quick "thank you" to find Logan. Ah, romance. My specialty.

-Logan's POV-

I see Patton come back and he walks up to me, eyes still closed. "Patton, are you alright?" I ask. "Promise you won't... Freak out, Logan?" How perplexing. Why is the most ador- I mean, why is Patton worried?
"Yes, I promise?" I say, encouraging him to tell me.

"Okay, well then..." He says before opening his eyes. At first, they were purple, but they slowly started turning pink. Interesting....
"Patton, why are your c- why are your eyes pink?" Oh jeez, I almost said cute.  Help me... Feelings...

"They started changing color with my emotions 2 days ago..." he says sheepishly. "What does pink mean?" I asked, genuinely curious.
"L.....l..... Love....." He eventually spits out. Wait-

If his eyes are pink while looking at me, going off of his prior statement, that means...
"Patton, are you infatuated with me?"

-Pattons POV-

Oh goodness, he figured it out. I'm so embarrassed....
"Your eyes are magenta now. What does that mean?" He asks. "Oh, that? That means embarrassment. I'm embarrassed." I say. He looks at me confused and says, "Why?"

"Logan... I really like you. Like, more than a friend...." I start saying. Logan looks taken aback. "I suppose that's one way to answer my previous question. Yes, I concluded that, Patton." I love how smart he sounds.
"Do you... Do you like me enough to date me?" OH MY I ASKED HIM OUT LORD HELP ME!!!

Logan stares for a minute, smiles softly and says, "Patton, you're acting ridiculous. All you had to say was, 'Logan, I like you, can we start a relationship?' and I would have said yes." He says, smiling more.
"Really?" I say. It was that easy? I smile and chuckle a little.

"I love you, Logan." I say to him. "I am not good at saying that particular word, Patton, but I reciprocate your feelings." Good enough. I kiss him gently. At first, he doesn't know what to do, but eventually kisses back.
I had a nice rest of the day with him.

I could really use a request right about now. This was hard to come up with.

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