Promise (Platonic Moxiety/Logicality)

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Warnings ⚠: Self-harm, implied past self-harm, attempted suicide, pessimism, self-deprication, bickering, depressing thoughts, blood, crying Patton.

-Virgil's POV-

Is there even a point anymore...? Honestly... Does anything matter? My answer is no. It doesn't. Who would care about a negative person like me? No one would. That's what people always say. "No one likes a Debbie downer", "No one likes a negative Nancy".
And besides that, who decided that people have to be important anyways? Why is suicide such a big deal? People like me don't matter in this world. We just take up air.

Besides, why bother caring for something? Everything I've ever cared about got taken away from me anyways. Funny, though, because now I don't care about my own existence. Of course this has all built up for years, I've just finally snapped. I can't take it anymore. The thoughts are becoming too much to handle. They won't shut up. The pain won't go away anymore, no matter how hard I try.

I don't belong here anymore.

I guess I'll take care of that problem, then.

I grab the blade I have and start cutting, one for every time I've ever made things worse. Five turns into ten. Ten to fifteen. Fifteen to twenty. Eventually, my arms are covered in blood and my vision starts to blur.

I hear a knock on my door. "Virgil, kiddo, you alright? You haven't been out all day..." Patton says. I don't answer and just lay down. Patton opens the door and freezes.

"D-dad, don't...!" I say a bit too late. His face was one of sadness and shock. I was struggling to stay conscious as he ran up to me. He summons a cloth to clean the blood off before wrapping it, but that's when I loose consciousness.

-Patton's POV-

"V-Virgil?! Hey, come on... Please wake up...!" I say when Virgil's eyes close. I start crying when I hear footsteps behind me. "Patton is everything-" Logan says, cutting off when he sees me.
"Why are you crying...?" he asks. "V-virgil cut himself a-and he just passed out and I-i can't wake him up!" I tell him, crying because I'm worried about Virgil.

"Okay... Calm down... You've wrapped it, yes? He most likely passed out due to loss of blood." Logan says. He sighs and sits down next to me to comfort me.
"I promise, he'll be okay, Patton." He says, holding me with one of his arms. "But Logan..." I say before crying into his shirt. He jumps slightly then puts a hand on my back, rubbing it gently.

-Logan's POV-

Seeing and hearing Patton cry is absolutely, for lack of a better word, heartbreaking. I was trying my best to comfort him, but he's crying in such a broken way.
"Patton... Please try to calm down... Virgil will wake up." I tell him. He tightens his grip on my shirt.

"What if he doesn't?!" He yells, startling me slightly. "He will." I reassure him.
Patton continues crying, making a wet spot on my shirt from his tears. The only reason I was calm is because I know Virgil will physically be okay.

Patton takes off his glasses and puts them on the floor, crying as he does so. I sigh and clean them off with my free hand as Patton cries into my shirt.
"Please be careful where you set your glasses, Patton..." I say, folding them and handing them back to him. He takes them and hooks them to his shirt.

About two hours pass before we get any sign of consciousness from Virgil.

-Virgil's POV-

I hear crying. Talking and crying. What's going on? The last thing I remember is... Patton...

I felt my hand twitch as I slowly open my eyes. "Virgil?" I hear someone say. My vision slowly clears up and I see Logan looking at me, holding a crying Patton in his arms.
"Why are y-?" I found it extremely difficult to talk as I start coughing. "Virgil!" Patton says before hugging me.

"Patton, be careful. He just regained his consciousness." Logan says, making Patton let go of me and apologize.
I struggled to remember what happened. I cut myself, I know that. But then Dad walks in and wraps my arms... Then... I pass out?

"I was so worried! You were bleeding and not responding to me and-" Patton starts. "Woah, woah you- ... You were talking to me?" I ask with a rough voice. Pattons eyes widen slightly.
"Y-you don't remember...?" he says. "I remember you coming in here, but I don't remember you talking..." I tell him. "Well, I suppose that makes sense. You had already lost a lot of blood by the time Patton found you, so your brain was already shutting down." Logan says.

"What do you mean, shutting down?!" Patton asks, panicked. "Logan, shut up." I say to him.

-Patton's POV-

Logan sighs. "I'm just stating things as they were." he says. "Well stop. You're scaring Dad." Virgil says. "Actually, you did that by trying to-" Logan cuts off when I look at him.
"Alright... Enough. Let's just focus on now, okay?" I say to both of them. Logan adjusts his tie and Virgil nods once.

"Okay. Then Virgil?" I say, looking at him. He was sitting up now and looks up at me. "Please just promise me... You'll never try to kill yourself again...?" I ask.
Virgil stays quiet but eventually says, "I-i promise..." in a whisper. "And Logan?" Logan looks at me. "Just... Drop the subject, okay?" he nods.

"Okay... I'll go make dinner, just in case you get hungry, kiddo." I say to Virgil. "That was singular. There's two of us." Logan says.

"You're not my son. You're more than that." I say, smiling at him a bit before leaving the room.

-Third Person POV-

"... Dad's in love with you." Virgil smirks at Logan, who is now blushing light pink. "Shut up." Logan says.

"You two are totally gonna screw each other." Virgil says, smirking more. "I said shut up!" Logan says, blushing a bright pink as he goes off to his room.

Virgil chuckles. "I'm calling it." he says to himself.


I'm sorry this was sad, but I hope it was okay anyways... Uh yeah. There ya go. :)

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