Alleyway Incident (Prinxiety)

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This was requested to me, so here it is. Also, thank you to my new co-author, Voltronsides, for writing the story!

-Roman’s POV-

Virgil and I have been dating for a while, and I decided that we needed a date, like desperately. Everything in the mindscape had been going crazy because of Deceit, again. He made me think that Virgil and I didn't belong together; that I just brought him down. At the end of the day, he showed me just how much he loved me~... Let's just say, we had fun.  But because of everything that was going on, we didn't have time to go on a proper date. So that's what we're doing.

-Virgil’s POV-

"Come on, babe, we're going to miss our reservation!" said the prince-like trait as he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a fancy restaurant.
"Princey, slow down hon; we are here to have fun." I say, chuckling at his antics as he drags me to the restaurant.

<time skip brought to you by thicc Virgil>

As we were walking out of the restaurant, we see a man get shoved out of a bar a few buildings down. He looked, for lack of a better term, pissed and drunk; not a good combo. Grabbing Roman’s hand in fear, we walked towards the man hoping to avoid any conflict with him. Suddenly, the man looks at them with disgust, anger, and hatred.
"What do you think you're doing, you fags?" He says, glaring at us. Oh no…

-Roman’s POV-

What did he just call us?

"Excuse Me? What did we do?" I ask. "Don't talk to me, faggot!" he says as he spits at our feet.

I could sense Virgil tense up next to me. "L-lets just go babe..." he says nervously. "Yeah, let's go." I agree.
"Yeah, go pollute the Earth with your sin. It's not like you're real people after all; you're parasites." he rudely says. "I'm sorry, what? We are just as much human as you!" I say, turning around to glare at the guy.

"No, you're a parasite, and you need to  be taken care of! And the best way to get rid of a parasite is to kill it." he says, pulling out a gun and backing us into an alley.

-Virgil’s POV-

Standing behind Roman, I just watched the scene play out. Roman pushed me out of the way and began to fight. I can't just sit here and watch. The man kept swinging the gun around trying to hit Roman, but Roman kept dodging. All of a sudden, Roman tripped and fell to the ground, and an audible snap was heard followed by his scream as he held his broken arm.

"Serves you right for being a sin, and now I can finish you off." the man says.

-Roman’s POV-

He pointed the gun at me and I closed my eyes waiting for the impact, but it never came; the shot sounded, but the bullet didn't hit me. I opened my eyes and saw... No…

"VIRGIL, NO!" I yell. The man ran when he heard footsteps- someone must have heard the gunshot and came running. They grabbed the man and called 911 as I held the love of my life in my arms. He looked up at me and smiled.
"I could've taken it, V-virgil, w-why did you-?" I couldn't say the words and began sobbing.

<Le time skip brought to you by the queer club>

I stood pacing the room as I heard footsteps running to me. "We got your electronic message from our phones, what is, how do you say it, up dawg?" Logan says.
"Not the time, Logie. What happened?" Patton says.

<Another time skip brought to you by I'm a lazy piece of shit>

After I explained, it took all of my power not to break down and sob as Patton was doing just that.

"Mr. Sanders? May I speak with you for a minute?" Said a nurse, who had a sad look on her face. "Yes, of course. Is everything okay?" I ask. "Well, he will make it, but he will be in a coma for a while, and we are not sure when he will wake up."

I felt myself tear up and I couldn't breathe, and I lost control. When I woke up, I was back home and I heard talking from the next room.
"He'll make it Patton I promise, he is strong, like you." Logan says. "Logie~" Patton drawls out. This was followed by some erotic sounds.

Let's just say that I heard Logan's name a lot more that night…

<1 month later brought to you by Deceit's scales>

-Virgil’s POV-

When I woke up, I was in an odd place that I didn’t recognize, so naturally, I panicked. I couldn't remember much, just the alleyway, the gun, and… Roman. I hear footsteps coming and I see Roman’s outfit through the window. He looks through the window at my bed and when he sees me his face seems to light up as he bursts through the door with his arm in a cast and tears streaming down his face.

“Virgil oh my god, you're okay! I was so worried that you wouldn't make it or that you w-would s-stay in a c-coma and i-i... god Virgil, I missed y-you so much please don't- mmph!”

I cut him off with a kiss pulling him by his sash.
“Just shut up and kiss me, Princey.” I say as I pull him in again.

<time skip brought to you by what the hell are we doing anymore>

-The beautiful, happy bean POV (Patton)-

“Logan, Roman says he’s on his way and that he has a surprise.” I say, looking fondly at my smart, handsome, kind, beautiful, knowledgeable, adora- hold on, Patton, the readers want to know what happened, not what you think about your boyfriend.

“Ah, okay Patton, my dear.” I blush at him as he walks up and pecks my lips.

While we wait, we watch Logan’s favorite disney movie: Big Hero 6. As the end credits roll, we hear the keys jiggle, meaning that Roman is home.

“Hey Roman how is Virge doing?” I say, leaning over to turn off the TV.
“I don’t know, Virge how you doing?”

“Well I’m doing just fine.”
“That’s good Virg- OMG VIRGIL YOU’RE HOME!!!!!” I say, running over and giving him a huge hug.

“Easy dear, he just got out of the hospital; we don’t want to put him back in the hospital.” Logan said from behind me, smiling as he and Roman joined the hug.

“CUDDLE PARTY!!!” I yelled as the other three laughed.

-Angsty gay boi POV (Virgil)-

After we all caught up, talked, and laughed (followed by a makeout session from the dad and the teach), me and the others called it a night. Roman dragged me to our shared room and laid down next to me.

“Im glad your back darling. I missed you so much.”
“Im glad im back too, I needed my emotional support prince with me and he wasn't there.”

“Well im not leaving you ever again.”
“I'm glad to hear it.” I say, pulling him into a long, passionate kiss.

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