Dad, you're sick. (Platonic Moxiety)

676 13 4

This was another request, and I'm happy to fulfill it!

-Virgil's POV-

Me being the youngest trait, it was hard at first to fit in. Patton, who I call Dad, was the first one to care about me.

That being said, I know him well. And he's sick. He keeps denying it, saying that "I'm just stuffed up, kiddo. Nothing bad, I promise!" but he's not fooling me. Just to prove my point, I go to his room.

-Patton's POV-

Ugh, I feel awful, but I can't let anyone know that, especially not my Dark, Strange Son. He would be upset.

I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I say in my most convincing tone. Whatever I have is getting worse, though. I can feel it.

"Dad, it's me. Can I come in, or am I going to have to come in?" I hear Virgil say. Oh, shoot. Did he figure it out? Regardless, I walk up and open the door. "Hiya, kiddo!" I say. My voice is being affected by all the gunk in it.

"....Dad, you're sick. Lay down." Virgil says after a while. I was taken aback. Virgil never talks that strictly, not to me.
"W-what? Don't be silly, kiddo! I'm not si-" I was cut off by a fit of coughs making Virgil raise an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" He says. "Fine... I might be a little sick, but we have a video to show up in. I'll be fine." I say. Virgil looks at me like he wants to disagree, but then we both get summoned into the video.
That wasn't a good idea... My stomach hurts.... Oh well, on with the video.

-Thomas's POV-

I call Patton and Vrigil into the Sanders Sides video I'm recording. Something was off with both of them, though. Virgil kept looking over at Patton in a concerned manner, and Patton's cheeks were flushed and he was sniffling.
Is Patton sick?

I turn to him when he's not paying attention and took a look at him. He looked like he was in pain, and he was extremely pale. I looked over at Virgil while Roman was arguing with Logan, and we made eye contact. I pointed at Patton with a worried face and Virgil nodded.

Patton is sick.

-Patton's POV-

I was really starting not to feel good, and Roman and Logan were fighting with each other. I wanted to do something, but I felt horrible and my body was hot. I should've listened to Virgil...

-Virgil's POV-

Throughout the video, I kept looking over at Patton. At one point, Roman and Logan started fighting and Patton looked worse. I told him to lay down... Thomas and I made eye contact, and he pointed at Patton. He didn't need to say anything, as I understood. I nodded my head.

That's when things got worse.

I quieted Logan and Roman and then I turn to Patton. "Dad, you need to go lay down. Now." I wasn't trying to sound rude, but I'm concerned. His skin is paler than mine with foundation on.

-Patton's POV-

Virgil told me I need to lay down, and I know I do.. But the video...
"I will when we're done recor-" I cut myself off. Oh, dear, I was about to throw up. Virgil saw and just in time conjured a bucket for me.

Once I was done with that less than ideal fit, I realized that Thomas had shut off the camera and walked over to me. I also realized I was sitting down.

-Thomas's POV-

As Patton was throwing up, I walked over to him. Eventually, he was able to look up. Poor guy looked awful. His eyes were watering from throwing up, he was pale and flushed, and he looked exhausted.

"Patton, buddy, I think Virgil's right. You need to go lay down, buddy. We'll do the video later, the fans will understand." I say to him. He nods and then says, "Virgil, kiddo, ya mind helping me? I uh... I feel really weak..." he says, looking at Virgil.

-Virgil's POV-

I watched as Thomas talked to Patton, and then Patton turned to me and said, "Virgil, kiddo, ya mind helping me? I uh... I feel really weak..." I nod and take him to his room.

For the rest of the day, I was taking care of Patton, and he looked like he appreciated it. Before he fell asleep, he said, "Thanks, son..." "No problem, Dad. Try to get some rest, okay?" I say and he nods.
"I will." "Okay. Call if you need anything. Goodnight." I say. With that, he falls asleep.

I hope this was a decent story, and if the requester reads this, I hope you liked it.

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