Pick-up Lines (Logicality)

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-Patton's POV-

I have a crush on logan. The only thing is, I don't think he knows. The only way I can think to tell him is to use pick-up lines.
Needless to say, it didn't go as planned.

<First try>

-Logan's POV-

Patton walks up to me with that goofy smile of his, which usually means he is going to tell a Dad Joke. Oh, dear.

"Hey, Logan. Do you live in Tennessee?" He asks. What a strange thing to ask, considering that he knows where we live.
"No,and neither do you. We live in Florida." I answer.
"Really? Cuz you're the only Ten-I-See!!" Oh, goodness. I just sigh and continue reading.

-Patton's POV-

Well, that didn't work. I head back to my room and brainstorm a new pick-up line. Maybe it can't be subtle; maybe I have to flirt with him.
Here goes nothing, I suppose.

<Second try the next day>

I walk up to Logan while he's eating breakfast and I say, "Hey, Logan, did you sit in sugar? Cuz you've got a sweet butt!" Oh jeez, do people really say that?

He freezes and looks at me, cheeks slightly pink. Well, I guess that's improvement. "Ahem... Uh, Patton, we have the same 'butt', and no, I did not sit in sugar." He says.
He's still blushing, though.

Satisfied with that, I also now know I need to be bold with him. Think, how can I fluster him?

-Logan's POV-

Patton just flirted with me. Patton. Just. Flirted. With. Me. What do I do? I don't like feeling emotions. What am I feeling?

<The next day, third try>

I was minding my own business just reading in the living room when Patton came up to me.
Why am I afraid right now?

"Hey, Logan, are you Cinderella? Because I saw those cloth-" He starts. "P-PATTON!!!" I yell before he can finish that statement. He giggles and walks away.
My face feels hot. What is happening to me?

-Patton's POV-

Logan cut me off before I could finish that one, but I didn't mind because his face was priceless. First his eyes got bigger then he blushed a bright red. I was satisfied, so I walked away. I've decided I'll make one more attempt, and this one will be the best one yet.

<The next day, final try>

We were doing a video, and I thought, what better time than now? So I smirk and look at Logan. He sees this and freezes.
"Logan, I may not go down in history..." I start off. Oh jeez, this is going to be hard to say.

"Well, no, there is a verisimilitudinous chance that you will." He replies, so I continue.
"But I will go down on you." Everyone else stares at me in shock, Thomas shutting off the camera.

Logan doesn't understand at first, so I wait for his reaction.

-Logan's POV-

Patton just told another joke, but it doesn't make any sense. 'I may not go down in history, but I will go down on you'. What does that even me-


My face gets hot and Patton is standing there looking at me rather sheepishly. "W- Patton- what the f-" I hear Virgil say. I can't talk, I'm too stunned.

Patton just made an innuendous joke, to me. Does he like me? Is that what his sudden pick-up line spree was about?
"Uh... Patton...? What... I-i don't understand. Why do I feel hot?" I ask.

"Probably cuz you're embarrassed, silly." He says, though still looking sheepish.
I decided to retaliate.

"Oh, really? So would you be embarrassed if I did this?" I say just before kissing him.

-Patton's POV-

Logan is kissing me. He's kissing me!! For a guy who doesn't understand emotions, he sure is a good kisser.

He pulls away and smirks. I'm just standing there, surprised. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh..." Is all I can say. But eventually, I end up saying,
"I love you too, Logan, but how about you save that passion?" I say and wink at him.

He flushes and the others cough. Oh, right. Oops.

"Uh, ew. I'm going to listen to music and hopefully get that image out of my head." Says Virgil. "Um, I have some... Royal business to attend to..." Roman says before sinking out. "Uhhh... I'm...I'm going to hang out with Joan and Talyn. You two...uh...yeah..." Thomas says, leaving me and Logan alone.

"...Patton, was this all really necessary?" He says, smirking. "Yes." Is all I say back.
Let's just say it was an... Interesting night...

I'm sorry XD

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