Baby Patton Pt. 3 (Royality)

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-Patton's POV-

While we were at the park, I made a few new discoveries. First off, apparently I can speak baby. I ended up meeting twins named Elijah and Eleanore. We talked about sparkly things and nap time.

Secondly, it hurts when you fall down as a baby. Seriously, I trip over nothing (relateable) and then start crying. I thought I controlled when I cry, but apparently not.

Roman comes over to me when he hears me crying and says, "Patton, you have to be careful! Remember, you're not used to running yet." he says. I eventually stop crying and find myself asleep.

-Roman's POV-

We've been at the park for about 3 hours now, and I hear Patton crying. I go over to him and pick him up.
I tell him to be careful and start rocking him in my arms until he fell asleep.

"Hmm. I guess that means we're done playing, huh?" I say to my sleeping baby Patton. I buckle him in the seat that Talyn gave me and start driving home.

"Welcome back, Princey. Is Dad still a baby?" Virgil says when I open the door. "Yes, and he's sleeping. I'm going to go lay him down, I'll be right back." I say back, passive aggressively telling him to shush.
When I get into my room, I notice that Virgil had gotten clothes to fit Patton after about 2 growthspurts. I come back downstairs after tucking Patton in and say, "Thank you, Virgil." he looks up and says, "Whatever. I just want Dad to be taken care of.

<time skip>

-Patton's POV-

When I woke up, it was around 4:00, from what I could tell. I was in Roman's room, in my crib. I think I was growing again, because I felt squished in my clothes.
I use my little hands to attempt to take them off, and it worked, for the most part. I mean, I couldn't get my shirt off, but whatever.

I was probably the size of a 5 year old now, so I could walk better. I climb down the stairs and go to find Roman. I find him in the kitchen, talking to my Dark, Strange Son.

"Wohman? I hungwee..." I say. At least I can talk more coherently. Roman turns around and looks taken aback. "Patton, did you outgrow your clothes already?" he asks. I nod and say, "I stuck. Can't get my awms owt..." he laughs and walks over to me.

"Alright, let's get that off, then." he says before pulling it over my head. "I hab new cwos?" I ask. He nods and says, "Yeah, you can thank Virgil for that." then picks me up. "Fank yoo, Verdal!" I say to him.
He smiles and says, "Yeah, no problem, mini Dad." I giggle at the new temporary nickname.

Roman gets to his room and puts normal looking clothes on me. "How's that, Patton?" he says to me. "Yeah! Wess tigh." I say back.
He smiles and picks me up. "Good, so are you hungry? It's just about supper time." he says. "Yea, hungwee!" I reply.  He laughs softly and kisses my forehead. "I love you, Patton." I giggle and reply, "I wove yoo too, Wohman!"

-Roman's POV-

Patton is now about 5 years old, so he is talking to me a lot more. He follows me downstairs and sits at the table.
"Oh, he's growing pretty quickly." Thomas says while handing out everyone's food. "I know. I lay him down as a 2 year old, and he wakes up a 5 year old. I'm not complaining, but wow." I say.

Patton still has child temptations. I figured this out because he ignores the fork given to him for eating and just uses his hands.

<time skip>

In the morning, I hear footsteps walking around in my room. I open my eyes to find Patton at least 8 years old.
"Morning, Roman! I hope you slept well." he can talk fluently, but his voice is still that of a child's. I smile and say, "How long have you been up, exactly?" while I sit up and stretch.

"Since 7:30." he replies simply. (I know you may think kids don't wake up that early, but trust me, they do). I look over at my clock. "7:30? Patton, it's 9:06. What have you been doing this entire time?!" I ask in both shock and confusion .

"I don't know. Walking around your room, I guess." he says, as if it were the most normal thing ever. I chuckle and ask him, "Do you want food?"
"Yeah, I am a little hungry. And can we go play later, too?" he says. I can't help but smile and say, "Yes, we can. Oh, and I just remembered. Do you need glasses again, now?" I ask.

He seems to be thinking for a moment. "I don't know. Probably. But, where are we gonna get ones that fit me?" he asks. "Well, first off, how well can you see me?" I ask him.

He squints, which already answers my question, and says, "...You're hard to see..." I nod and say, "Alright, let's go ask Logan for help. Just let me get dressed first." I tell him.

After getting into my usual clothes (Patton had dressed himself when he woke up), we head to Logan's room.

-Logan's POV-

At around 9:30, someone knocks on my door. "Who is it?" I ask calmly. "Hi Logan!" I hear a child say. I open the door to find Roman holding hands with the small child I can only assume is Patton.
"Hello, Patton. Greetings, Roman. What brings you here?" I inquire. "I need glasses that will fit my small face." Patton says while squishing his cheeks.

I never smile, but Patton as an 8 year old is adorable.

"Very well. Come in." I say, moving aside so they can do so. Because I've always worn glasses, and Patton wears the same kind as me, I look through some of my older ones.
I eventually find a pair that would fit him. "Here you are. Try these." I say. He opens the case and puts them on.

"Well?" me and Roman say in unison. Patton blinks and says, "There you are, Roman!" and hugs him.

<to be continued...>

Ack today was rough
I hope you all are okay. I'll be working on part 4 asap.

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