Don't give up (Anxsleep)

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This will probably be my darkest story, but I promise it ends happy. (p.s. don't worry, it's not like I'm basing this off my mindset *laughs nervously*)

Also warning: self-harm and attempted suicide

-Remy's POV-

I've noticed Virgil acting completely different. Like, he won't talk to anyone, he doesn't do anything, and he barely eats. I mean, I'm supposed to be his opposite, but I'm worried.

So I decide to go check on him.

<flashback to a little earlier>

-Virgil's POV-

I've decided. Today is the day I end my life. After all, what's the point? It's not like anyone will notice or even care. I'm nothing. No one.

I pick the blade I have in my nightstand up and harshly drag it across my wrists. It's probably bad that it doesn't hurt me anymore, but oh well.
I can tell I cut deeper than I usually do, but I don't care. It just means I'll die faster. It's a shame, too, because if only the person I liked would like me too, maybe I would care.

I don't even bother with a note, because who's going to read it? I just lay down on my bed and silently think to myself as my wrists slowly bleed.
My vision starts getting blurry when I hear a knock on my door. "Virgil? It's Remy, I just wanted to check on you..." Remy? Why does he care?

That all doesn't matter, though, as I can tell I'm starting to lose consciousness. I don't answer him, and the last thing I see is my door open.

-Remy's POV-

It's really making me nervous that Virgil isn't answering... I should probably just open the door.
I walk in and I become speechless. I see Virgil laying on the bed with his wrists cut deep enough to kill him, eventually.

I can feel myself start to cry, cuz like, I care a lot about him. I frantically try to find something to stop the bleeding and eventually get a couple mini towels. I wrap them around his wrists tightly before yelling to the others.

"Guys, get in here!" Is all I could think to say. They all show up and ask what's wrong. I signal to Virgil, who, thank God has stopped bleeding, but he's still unconscious.
Patton covers his mouth in an attempt not to cry, Thomas in much a similar state, Roman looks shocked but is also tearing up, and Logan looks scared.

"What- what happened?!" He says. You know Logan's upset when he stutters. I'm still crying, so my sentences are a little broken up when I reply, "I-i don't know! I found... Him like th...this and t...ried to like, stop the ble...eding!" I don't stutter when I cry, I just pause so I don't.

-Thomas's POV-

I was watching Steven Universe when I heard my Sleep call everyone to Virgil's room. When we got in there, I asked what was wrong. He motioned to Virgil, who was laying on his bed unconscious with towels that I assume Sleep put there wrapped around his wrists.

I cover my mouth in shock. What caused Virgil to do this? After Sleep says he doesn't know what happened, Logan says, "Well, as I am the logical side, I do know medical treatment... Move aside." And then wrapped Virgil's arms with proper medical wrap.

It took a long time, as we didn't have any actual paramedics, but eventually, Virgil finally woke up. We were all relieved, but surprisingly, Sleep looked the happiest.

-Virgil's POV-

I start waking up, which is weird, because I thought I was dead and all. But no, I wake up to find everyone in my room and my arms bandaged. Before I could even speak, Patton says, "Why...?" Remy looks angry, sad, and relieved all at the same time. "Let me expand on that. What the hell, Virgil?! Why would you even try to leave m-us?! Don't you know we all care?!" He was about to say 'me'...

"Because..." I say sitting up. "Because I never believed that. You all say you care, but you obviously don't, because the only time you ask if I'm okay is if I'm on the edge of death. That's how it always is." I don't know if I'm angry or happy that they care.
"Virgil, you listen to me." I hear Remy say. "You want to know how we all feel? Fine. Patton loves you like a son, Roman loves you like a younger brother that, even though they always fight, they still love one another. Logan, even though he won't say it, has familial love for you too. Thomas loves you like you're his baby. As for me, Virgil, you are my world. I don't want you to ever forget that."

By now, I was in tears. The fact that Remy knew all that about the others and I didn't... But the one that got me the most is when Remy said he loves me, in his own way.
"Is that... Is that really how you all feel about me?" I ask. Thomas and Patton nod with a sad expression, Roman looks to the side in confirmation, Logan gives me a curt nod, and Remy says, "Absolutely." and hugs me.

-Remy's POV-

After telling Virgil how everyone really feels about him, and they agree, I hug him. Then I hold his face in my hands and say, "Virgil, please, don't give up on us. We would all be crushed. Let me be there for you." He looks at me questioningly and says, "What are you...?" I inturupt him by saying, "Virgil, will you go out with me?" he looks shocked at first, but eventually smiled and nods. "Yeah, sure."

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, and I couldn't be more happy.

Sorry if you guys don't like depressing stories, but I don't like bad endings, so be assured that I will never write a story with a sad ending.

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