Caught (Prinxiety)

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I watched this video yesterday, and I had to write about it.

-Virgil's POV-

Oh, god, I really hope Thomas left that part out! If not, Roman will see it! Okay, if anyone's wondering, we just made a Sanders Sides video, right? Well, Roman changed his outfit at the end, and I sorta... Low key - well, more like high key - checked him out...

I'm freaking out because... Well because, what if he sees it and then hates me? Or thinks I'm weird or creepy? "Virgil?" I hear Thomas call me.
I pop up in his living room and he says, "Hey, bud, you feeling okay? I'm getting really nervous over nothing."

"Oh, uh, w-well..." I stutter. He quirks an eyebrow at me, wanting me to continue. I sigh and say, "Thomas, can I see that video?" He looks taken aback and says, "What about your phone?"
"Left it in my room." I say. He hands me his phone with a look of confusion, and I click on the video. I fast-fowart to the part where Roman changed his outfit to see if I'm getting anxious over nothing or not.

But there I was, caught looking Roman up and down. Oh, no, no, no, no, no-

"Virgil, you good?" Thomas asks. "Uh, Thomas? Has Roman seen this video?" I ask. "You called?" I hear Roman say. Oh, joy; this is just what I needed. At least he's here, looking all... Handsome...

-Roman's POV-

I heard my name, so naturally, I popped up. Virgil and Thomas were there, and Virgil looked... Anxious. I dare say he's blushing, too. "Princey... Good to see you..." he says, not really sarcastically or rudely, but not sounding genuine, either.
"Virgil...? You good?" I ask him. He shakes his head and says, "Thomas, watch this part." holding Thomas's phone (where's his?) out to him.

Thomas watches the video, and his eyes widen slightly as he smirks. "Virgil, did you-?" Thomas starts, taking his phone back. "D- shhh!!!" Virgil says.
Weird, he's acting so... Nervous (more so than usual). I want to know what's going on, I mean, Virgil looks so adorable with his flustered face, and I want to know what caused it.

"What's going on...?" I ask. Thomas's smirk widens and he looks at Virgil. "You gotta tell him." Thomas mutters. "Tell me what?" I ask, confused even more. Virgil groans and says, "Give me your phone for a sec."
"Oh... Okay..." I say, unlocking my phone and handing it to him. I look at Thomas for any answer, and he holds up his finger telling me to wait.

Virgil then gives me my phone, paused on the video we made today before I switched up my outfit. I quirk an eyebrow at him and he says, "Just... Hit play." So, I do just that.

"I say we go for a bit of a change, too." P: Ooh, how? L: If you say mindpalace again, we haven't even been back to the one you created in a long- oh, that's nice. P: Ooh, new emblem thingy! T: Prince 2.0h my goodness! P: Your shoulders were so boring to look at before.

Then I saw it: Virgil's eyes quickly but surely raked me up and down. I feel my face heat up as I become speechless.

-Virgil's POV-

There it is; he saw it. He blushes so red he might as well have been his own sash.
"Yeah... I uh... Kinda checked you out..." I say, because there's no point in hiding it now. "Uh, Virgil?" Roman says. I look at him only to be met by his phone in my face. It plays the scene where I switched to the purple jacket, and I see Roman make an ‘ooh’ face.

"Yeah, um... I kinda did the exact same thing..." he says, putting his phone away. I'm probably going to regret this, but I get up and walk over to him. I pull him into a kiss that had all of my hidden feelings for him. He kisses back immediately, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well, this is cute." Thomas says. Roman and I both turn to look at him and he says, "Oh, don't mind me; I'll just be sitting here sending out a tweet..."
"If you say ‘Prinxiety is real’, I swear-" I start. "Prinxiety?" Roman says, confused. Thomas chuckles and I sigh before saying, "It's our ‘ship name’; a combination of the words ‘Prince’ and ‘Anxiety’."

"I wasn't aware that the fans wanted us to be together." he says. Thomas laughs and says, "Are you kidding? I get fanart all the time about you two, Logan and Patton, and some other ships, too."
"Are... Are there stories?" Roman asks. I look at him like he's crazy, and Thomas says, "Yeah, of course there are."

"A few... I've seen a few about us..." I admit. "You- are you being serious?!" Roman says, laughing a little. I nod and he says, "What were they about?"
"Well, a lot of them start with you insulting me and then ends with us kissing, and a few were... Dirty..." I tell him.

Roman blushes brightly, and we both hear Thomas chuckle. "Yeah...." he says.

-Roman's POV-

So, not only have our fans written Virgil and I together, but they've also written us... Together.
"Have you read them?" I mumble. "What?!" Virgil says, whipping his head towards me. "Well, have you?" I repeat. Virgil blushes and mutters, "I mean, yeah..."

"Who topped?" I ask. "Roman!" Virgil yells. "Sorry, just curious." I say, holding my hands up. "......You did....." Virgil mumbles. "Of course." I say.
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Virgil says. I chuckle and say, "It means I would totally dom you."

"Whatever; I could dom too, you know..." Virgil says. "Prove it." I say under my breath. "What?" Virgil says. "Nothing, love you!" I say before kissing his cheek and going to my room. "Roman, get back here and repeat yourself!"

Sooooooo, if anyone has a request, that would be great. I was kinda thinking of doing a Morciet one, but let me know if I should. See ya (well, not really, but still)!

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