Do You How Do? (Remile)

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-Remy's POV-

Now, I may not be one of the 'main sides', but I still play a major role. I mean, I'm the one who makes sure that Thomas sleeps (or not, depends on my mood).
I'm not very well-known by the others. I mean, they know I exist, but they don't really talk to me.

I was sitting alone on a bench in the mindscape when someone I first thought was Logan walked up to me. "Well hey there, stranger! Do you how do?" he says to me. I'm confused; I may not know them very well, but I thought I knew all of Thomas's sides. Apparently, I was wrong.
"Um, hi?" I say awkwardly. He giggles, letting me know this is definitely not Logan, and says, "Oh, my apologies; I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Picani. What about yours?" he asks me.

"R-remy. Nice to meet you." I say as I shake his hand. "Also, Doctor? So, is Picani your last name or...?" I ask him. He smiles brightly and says, "Aren't you a perceptive one? Yes, it's my last name."
"Do you not like saying your first name or what?" I ask him. He shakes his head and replies, "It's not really that as much as it is a habit. I'm a therapist." he explains.

-Picani's POV-

I like this stranger. I like his name, too. Remy...

"Ohhh... Yeah, that makes sense. So, what is your first name?" he asks me. "Emile. Emile Picani." I answer him. I swear he blushed slightly after I said that, however, he clears his throat and says, "Well, that's a nice name. So, what do you do? What I mean is, I'm Thomas's Sleep, so what's your job?"

"Oh, Empathy. I'm the one who helps Thomas relate to issues and therefore help the person work through them." I answer him. "Really? With such an important role, it's surprising that I've never seen you around before." he says.
"Yes, well, I do tend to work late, so..." I say. "I see. By the way, Emile, do you like coffee?" Oh, so we're going on a first name basis now. Okay.

"Yes, actually. It's one of the only things that keeps me awake at work." I say, laughing a little as I do. "Great! Then would you like to go get coffee with me?" Remy asks.
"Remy, are you asking me on a date?" I say, smiling a little. "Yeah, I guess I am." he says. "Alright, it's a date, then." I say, standing up and holding out my hand to him.

-Remy's POV-

This Emile guy is... There's no words! I mean, he's hot, he talked to me, and he's the perfect mix between goofy and smart. Plus, as a bonus, he likes coffee.
So here I am, holding this guy's hand, and I couldn't help but blush. "Well, lead the way, Remy." He says lowly. I nod and lead him by his hand to the place I like to get my coffee from (Starbucks, obviously).

When we get there, we both order something and sit down at a table together. Emile folds his hands under his chin, looking at me with a smile on his face. "So, you come here often? You seemed to have a very specific order." he says.
"Yeah, this is my favorite place to get coffee, actually. I mean, they just have so much to offer, ya know?" I ramble on. "Hmm. You're a page-turner, Remy." he says, giving me a sly smile.

"Yeah? Thanks. You're pretty cool yourself, Doctor~" I say, purely to flirt with him. He blushes, almost unnoticeably, and laughs. "Are you flirting with me?" he asks.
"That was the idea, yeah." I reply. He smiles and says, "You know, I like that about you; you're not shy to admit things like that." I laugh and say, "Well, I guess it just comes with my nature. Plus, you were just too good-looking to not admit things like that."

"Good-looking?" he says, cocking his head in interest with that goddamned adorable smile. "Sure, I mean, just look at you." I say to him. He laughs in an adorable way and says, "You really think I'm attractive, don't you?"
"I'd have to be insane in order not to." I reply simply. Before he could respond, the waiteress brought us our coffee. "Be careful, gentlemen; they are hot. Enjoy!" she says before walking away.

"You know, confidence is attractive, Remy." he says in a matter-of-factly tone. "I'm honestly just used to saying what's on my mind. I mean, I guess I am Sleep, so it's kinda my job to be weird and random sometimes." I ramble again.
Emile hums a laugh and says, "I suppose so. So you're responsible for dreams, then?" he asks me. "Yep, that's me." I tell him.

-Picani's POV-

"Then can you make good dreams?" I ask, trying to lead into my question. He nods, slight confusion evident on his face. "Then, you could help me, because being together would be a dream." I say, leaning my head on my hand.
"Oh, Emile, you're so silly! Yeah, I guess I can help you with that." he says. We both leave the building (we had been drinking our coffee as we spoke) and walk together.

"So, how can I help you?" Remy says playfully. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe you could help me figure that out~?" I tease back. Remy giggles and says, "Alright, let's try this..."
He puts his hand on my shoulder and kisses me. It didn't take me long to retaliate the action. We soon pulled away from each other, both of us panting slightly, and both smiling.

"Okay, I think dating me will help you, Doctor." he says, still playing. I chuckle at him and say, "Okay, I can live with that." I then grab his hands and weave our fingers together.

"You wanna go somewhere and just enjoy the day?" Remy asks me. "Yes, I think that sounds lovely." I reply. We end up going to the park for a while, and then to the movies together.

I like this Remy character; he really is an experience.

Honestly, I've kinda always shipped them.
Sorry if this is cringy, I'm trying :p Hope you enjoyed heh ^.^

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