The Black Spot (Anxsleep)

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Please bear with me here; I have no idea what I'm doing.
This is another soulmate AU, and I got this idea from my good friend. Sorry if it's cringy. Also, I am going to change it a little. Instead of turning multiple colors, it will turn into a shape that is bi-colored based on the two people's favorite colors.

-Remy's POV-

So, obviously my parents explained to me that all people have this weird black spot on them somewhere, but mine was in a weird place. It was around my wrist.

I keep thinking, why on Earth would it be there? Like, there should be no reason for my soulmate to grab me, right? It just... Doesn't make sense...

My mind constantly runs so many scenarios which that would happen in, but I still couldn't really tell,  and it was so frustrating!

-Virgil's POV-

Honestly, I don't know what to make of the black spot on my right hand. Like, am I going to slap my soulmate? Catch them? Comfort them? Push them? Maybe high-five them?? I couldn't be sure.

It makes me more anxious than I already usually am. I don't want to end up hurting the person I'm going to be with forever...

As I was walking, I saw someone trip over a loose brick in the sidewalk. My mind stops thinking about the black spot and I go over to help him.

He sits up and grabs his arm; it looks like he cut himself when he fell... "Are you okay?" I ask him. He looks up at me and says, "Y-yeah... I'm fine..." His voice was laced with pain, so I didn't buy it.

-Remy's POV-

That actually really hurt, but I didn't want to look weak in front of a stranger... A cute one, at that.

"Are you sure? Because you could have fooled me." he says as he kneels down. The only thing that was on my mind was the sting from the cut.
"Let me see it..." he says. He grabs me by my wrist and looks at the cut.

At the same time, we both realize what just happened. We look at each other briefly before looking at our hands.
The black spot had turned into a lightning bolt that was purple and teal.

"Well, this makes things more interesting, doesn't it?" I say halfheartedly. He chuckles and pulls out a cloth. I guess he just so happened to have one on him.
He wrapped it around the scrape on my arm and tied it.

"There. Now, at least it won't get infected." he tells me. He stands up and helps me up. "Thanks... You seem to know how to treat wounds pretty well." I mention.
"Yeah, well... Experience, I guess..." he says, obviously hiding something. I decide not to pry; we had only just met each other, after all.

"So, heh, I guess we're soulmates." I say. He smiles a little as he shrugs. "Yeah, I guess we are."
"So... What's your name?" I ask.

-Virgil's POV-

Usually, I wouldn't answer that question. I mean, for 29 years, I've kept to myself, and I never really talked to anyone. I felt like he deserved to know, though, so I answered him.

"My name's Virgil Midnight... What about yours?" I tell him. "Ah, my name is totally weird... It's Remy. Remy Nightshade."
"Our last names really fit together, don't they?" I notice. He shrugs and says, "Guess that's fate for ya. Anyway, you wanna go get some coffee or something?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice." I say. We head down to the coffee shop, which I guess he knows the way by heart. This was probably where he was headed before he fell.

"Whatchya want, Virgil?" he asks me. "Um... I've never really been here..." that, and I have terrible social anxiety, my mind reminds me.
"That's cool; I can getchya something I think you'll like. Tell me something first, though: do you like sweet things or bitter things?" he asks.

"Uh, somewhere in the middle?" I say in an unsure way. "Hmm... I know just what to get you, then."

After he ordered me some coffee, we sat down and started talking.
"So, Mr. Virgil Midnight, anything I should know about you?" he says teasingly.

I laugh a little and say, "Well, not much to say... I'm an introvert who barely ever talks to people." Might as well be honest with him; he is my soulmate.
He laughs and says, "Gee, I guess thanks for being upright. Anyway, I'm a coffee lover, obviously, buuut... I guess there's room for one more." he says, halfheartedly.

-Remy's POV-

I really do like this Emo named Virgil; he's extremely cute.
He chuckles at my statement and says, "Gee, I'm flattered." sarcastically.

I suddenly have the impulse to kiss him, which... I'm not sure if that always happens when you find your soulmate or not...
I feel my face heat up as I think about it. I don't know why I can't get my mind off of it...

"Hey, you okay?" Virgil asks me. "Y-yeah, I'm good." I try to say.

He totally didn't believe, though.

"Remy..." he says with an egging tone. "I... It's not really something that you just burst out saying!" I say defensively.
"For the love of god, just spit it out." he says. "I... I just really want to kiss you right now, okay?!"

I hear nothing for a second, but then he moves my hands from my face. I didn't even realize I covered my face in the first place...

"Was that really so hard?" he says, just before connecting our lips. It takes me by surprise, but I kiss him back almost immediately.

"From now on, don't ask." he says before kissing me again. I felt myself smile; I was happy. My soulmate is really cute and has a sense of humor.

Does anyone have any requests? I'm open to pretty much everything (just don't make me write a depressing end...)

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