Split Pt. 3

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It was requested so I'm finally getting around to it, hope you enjoy!

<years ago>

-Romulus's POV-

Thomas was having fun playing, like all children do. Janus and I were hanging out, and I myself was having fun as well. I thought for a moment.

"Hey De, what if I gave Thomas the idea to make the dolls kiss each other and stuff?" I say. Janus smirks. "Go ahead, my king."
I smile and gave Thomas the idea. I may have gotten a bit carried away with it and Thomas may or may not have said something about one doll getting the other pregnant. But hey! All in good fun!

That is.. Until his mom came up and started yelling at him.

"Thomas Foley Sanders! You are too young to be saying things like that! You need to learn the difference between good thoughts and bad thoughts, young man!" she scolds.

That made me feel weird. Very weird. I froze, unable to stop listening.

"That kind of thing is very inappropriate at your age. You can't say things like that- I don't want you even thinking about it!" she continues.
I started hurting. Physically. My body felt like it was being.. Ripped in half. "But mommy, it was just a game.." I hear Janus say, speaking through Thomas to his mom.

"Fine. But I better not catch you saying that again, mister." she says before leaving.

Janus looks at me. "Rom..? Are you okay..?" he asks. I don't want to worry or upset him further, so I lie. "I'm fine. I'm going to go eat.." I say, a bit harsher than I intended.

Good and bad thoughts...? I didn't know there was a difference... What am I then? Good? Bad?
Thinking about it made the pain worse. All rest of the day, Janus tried cheering me up, but I couldn't focus. I hurt. I decided to go to my room.

"Good or bad, good or bad, good- bad-" I mutter, pacing my room and hugging myself tightly, trying to ease the pain. Suddenly my vision started to blur. "What's.. Happening to me...?" I say just before everything went black.

<back to present>

-Roman's POV-

If I'm half of Romulus, King Creativity, I have to have memories of it... Right? He can't just be gone.. Remus and I are proof he's not! But... We can't remember anything..
I sigh and walk out of my room, walking around the mindscape. I go a route I don't normally take- to the grey sides. That's where Remy's room is.

... And another room I guess I've always ignored. I assumed it was Emile's until I found out he lived in the light side. So.. Who's is it?
"Yo, what are you doing down here, Prince?" Remy asks as I approached the door. I turn around to him. "Sleep, hi- do you know who's room this is?" I ask.

Remy shrugs and summons some coffee "Sure. Hasn't been used forever though. That's the king's room. You know, your dad- kinda thing?" he says, sipping the coffee.
My heart started pounding. That's Romulus's room. I look back at the door and go to open it, only for Remy to stop me.

"The key broke, prince. No ones been in since the split." he says. "What key? We just use our magic to open our doors.." I say. "Yeah, exactly. You only have half of his magic. How do you expect to open the door?" he says.

I thought for a moment. "... With Remus. I can open the door with Remus's help, can't I?" I ask him. Remy put his coffee away and waved his hands at me.
"You can't! What if it breaks you or something?!" he says. I scoff. "I'm a prince."

"And he was a king. King overrules prince." Remy says. I bit my lip a little but decided to ignore him and go find Remus.

-Remus's POV-

I was listening to music when Roman popped into my room. I don't mind as much as he seems to. "Sup Ramen noodles." I say, pausing the music.

"I need your help, Remus." he says, surprising me. I grin. "Oo, help with what? Murder? Torture? Sex advice? I can give great tips on sex-" I say. Roman sighs. "No, sorry. I need you to help me open a door over in the grey side."

I scoff. "You can't open a door? Wooooow." I say. Roman glares at me. "Not alone, I can't." he says, making me stop. "Y-... You found his room? The room we..." I ask. Roman nods.
"... Let's go then." I say, getting up and following him to the room. When we get there, we look at each other before using both our powers to get the door open. It worked.

The inside was... Empty. Almost spooky from being deserted so long. I would like it if I didn't know this is where I was born, so to speak.
There was still a bed, and a TV. "Hey, brother, look. A TV. We could use it kind of like looking through old camera footage." I tell him.

Roman looks at me. "How do you know that?" he asks. I smile to myself, looking to the side before turning the TV on with my power. It worked.

When it came on, someone appears on screen. He had a black top with a golden crested collar and sleeves, along with a black cape and a crown on his head.


"Good or bad, good or bad, good- bad-..." He mutters, pacing in front of the bed. "What's... Happening to me...?" he says before falling to his knees.
Then he started glowing white. That glow split, one turning red and the other green. Roman and I.

When the glows fade, we were visible, and Janus walked in afterwards. After taking to each other for a bit, Janus says:

".... Remus..." "What?" "Y-your name is R-remus...  ....  And... Roman..."

I... Janus really did name Roman and me... I turn the TV off and look at Roman. "There's our answer.." I say.

-Third Person POV-

"King Romulus fell apart... Both metaphorically and literally.." Roman says. Remus was trying to process what he saw.
The twins exit the room, the door closing behind them. Janus looks at them. "So you got the door open." he mumbles.

"I... Jan, we had to know...." Remus says, Roman nodding in agreement. "Romulus... Wasn't your friend, was he? You liked him...?" Roman asks.
"... I loved him." Janus mutters before walking away, leaving Roman and Remus shocked.

They both go back to their rooms.

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