Chapter 26

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Tiana's POV

"How are you holding up baby?" Asked Cookie.

"You know just taking it day by day." I replied.

"You're like the daughter I never had and no matter what happens between you and my knucklehead son, you'll always be family." Replied Cookie.

"Thanks Cookie." I responded.

I haven't spoken to Hakeem in a week. He's probably using Cookie to get information out of me. Just when I think that me and Hakeem are back on track, there's always something standing in the way. He's been calling and texting non-stop but I have nothing to say to him. Truth be told I don't wanna see him but I know I'll have to eventually, because of our kids.

Hakeem's POV

"Is there a possibility this child could be yours?" Asked Thirsty.

"I slept with her twice. "I can't remember the first time because I was really drunk." "And the second time I was upset with Tiana." I used protection both times though." I replied.

"Get a DNA test." "She could  be some thot trying to exploit you for money."  Thirsty replied.

"I never wanted this to get out." "I may lose my family over this." "Tiana won't even talk to me." I replied.

"How far along is she?" Asked Thirsty. "7 or 8 months." I replied.

"Why wait late in the game to tell you, you're the father of her baby?" Thirsty questioned. "Look I can work my magic and make this all go away." "But in the meantime when the baby is born, you should still get a DNA test."

Bella's POV

"Yo Bella what happened?" "I thought we were on for dinner?" Asked Caden.

"I'm sorry, just dealing with family drama."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Asked Caden. "No, not really." I replied.

"Well let me take your mind off of things." Replied Caden. 

"And what do you have in mind?" I questioned.

Caden pulled me in and kissed me.
I was taking by surprise.

"I'm sorry" said Caden.

A smile appeared on my face.

"You caught me by surprise but I didn't mind a moment of it."

Prince POV

Jacob was late picking me up from the studio so I decided to walk to a nearby park. I sat on the bench and took out my notebook and started writing lyrics. I need some inspiration. I look around and notice some kids playing basketball. One kid caught my eye. It was that dude Joey from school.  I guess he saw me looking because him and his group of friends were walking in my direction.

"Yo look it's Hakeem Lyon's mini me." Replied Joey with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want man?" I questioned.

"You think you better than us?" Said one of Joey's friends. I ignored him.

"I believe Keran asked you a question boy." Said Joey.

I got up and started to walk away when one of Joey's friends grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. I tried to get up but was kicked in the stomach.

"Such a shame being out here alone without a body guard." Said Joey.

"Yo leave me alone man." I yelled.

"Check his pockets." "Said Keran.

They search my pockets and found nothing.

"Yo check out that chain around his neck." Said Joey.

Keran forcefully snatched my chain.

They continue to kick and hit me.

"Leave him alone." I heard someone yell. "Y'all niggas deaf?" The guy replied pulling out a gun.

Joey and his group of friends took off running.

"Damn young blood they did a number on you." "I'm Xavier, but around here I'm known as X.

"Thanks man." I replied.

"Oh don't thank me just yet." Replied X.

Erica's POV (Flashback)

"Is that Hakeem Lyon?" My friend Tina pointed out.

I had a smirk on my face. "Why yes it is."

We had been partying all night and one of my oldest friends told me Hakeem would be here tonight. I knew Hakeem couldn't resist a  beautiful woman with a fat ass. I charm my way over to his section.

"I heard you were looking for me." I replied.

"Do I know you?" Questioned Hakeem.

"No not yet." "But you will soon." I said with a smirk.

Hakeem was already tispy so seducing him would be easier than I thought.

"Awe just one more round." I replied.

"Nah I'm good Ma, I should get home." Said Hakeem.

"I understand." I replied. "My friend already left, do you mind giving a girl a ride?" I asked. 

"Sure, no problem." Said Hakeem.

We rode in the back as Hakeem's driver drove to my house. I teased Hakeem in the car. I sat in his lap and slowly began to grind on him.

"What are you doing?" Question Hakeem.

"Oh thought you wouldn't mind." "I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It's cool." Replied Hakeem.

We finally pulled up to my crib. I brushed against Hakeem's dick.

"Thanks for the ride home."

Hakeem let out a low moan.

"Yeah no problem."

"You can come inside If you want?" I said in a seductive voice.

Hakeem hesitated.

"Um idk."

"Just for a minute." I replied.

"Okay only a minute" Replied Hakeem

Erica's POV (Present)

"Seducing him that night was too easy." "And you knew he would be there." I replied.

"Same ol Hakeem." "Even Tiana can't change him." Said Laura with an evil grin.

"I can't believe he even bought that fake baby bump. Replied Laura

"So what's your beef? I asked.

"I don't like that bitch Tiana." "She's always been sneaky."  "She was really rude to me while I was on tour with her." "So I'm going to destroy her precious family." "Payback's a bitch."

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