Chapter 28

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Tiana's POV

"Sad to hear this will be you all last counseling session." Said Dr. Clayton

"Yeah since he's out here getting bitches pregnant and all." I remark.

"Don't act as if you're so innocent." "When you have Gram texting your phone and calling you." Replied Hakeem.

"Ok settle down." Said Dr. Clayton.

"So I wanna dig a little deeper today and explore you two as individuals." "Starting with you Ms. Brown."
"Dating back to our first session, you said you cared alot about your career and would put that before your relationship."

"Yeah." I replied with a nod.

"What was it like for you growing up?" Asked Dr. Clayton.

"Well I was raised by my Big Mama, which is my grandmother, and she was very strict." "I desperately wanted freedom, so when I became this huge pop star I was able to achieve that."
"I wasn't going to let anything or anyway get in the middle of that." I responded.

"Mhmhuh" Said Dr. Clayton. "Are you close with any of your family?"

"No not really." I replied.

"And why is that?" Asked Dr. Clayton.

"My family didn't support my dreams." "They never thought I would make it this far." I responded.

"Does that bother you?" "Maybe hurt to not share a huge part of your life with your family?" Questioned Dr. Clayton.

"It did." I said in a soft voice.

"That's why you may come off as selfish to others because you're afraid they won't support your dreams the way you do." Dr. Clayton stated.

"Yeah." I responded in a low voice.

"Okay Mr. Lyon." Dr. Clayton responded turning her attention to Hakeem.

"You're the youngest out of your siblings right?" Dr. Clayton asked.

"Yeah." Hakeem simply stated.

"So your mother were incarcerated when your were just a baby and most of your childhood and teen years correct?"

"That's correct." Said Hakeem.

"With your mother being away and having your Dad raise you, what was that like?" Asked Dr. Clayton.

"Well I wouldn't say my Dad raised us exactly, whatever woman he were dealing with at the time played that Mommy role to us but he never had a solid foundation with any of them." Replied Hakeem.

"Interesting" Replied Dr. Clayton. "Did your father ever tell you about your mother and explain why she was away?"

"Nah we didn't talk much about her my father was too focus on building his Empire."

"So who did you talk too about your Mother?" "You had to be longing for a mother's love?"

"I didn't talk to anyone." Replied Hakeem.

"When your mother eventually got out of prison and came home what was your relationship with her like?" Asked Dr. Clayton

"It was rocky." Replied Hakeem. "She was a stranger to me." "I felt left out because she was more close to my brother than me."

"Did that hurt to not know your mother the way your brothers did?" Asked Dr. Clayton.

"Yes." Hakeem confessed.

"You also had an infatuation with an older woman I'm assuming to replace the void of not having your mother growing up?" Dr. Clayton observed.

"Yeah I suppose." Replied Hakeem

"And you talked about the different women your father had in and out of his life."

"The lifestyle you had and the way you grew up is what your were immune too." "With your mother being away, and not really having a mother figure in your life to give you that unconditional love makes you lack that in your relationship."

"I've been observing you Mr. Lyon, and apart of you wants to give Ms. Brown that unconditional love but you can't because you don't know how." "You're still hurt and I don't think you truly dealt with your past."

"Your hurt and her hurt clashes."

"Ms. Brown you use your career to distract you." "And Mr. Lyon when you're dealing with conflict in your relationships you tend to fill the void with other women because you're still learning how to love properly." "You're still healing."

"You don't see eye to eye a lot because there are a lot of things individually you guys need to work on." Said Dr. Clayton

A tear escape my eyes. And I look over and notice Hakeem shed a fear tears as well.

Thirsty's POV

I was sitting outside my car waiting. I had my binoculars. I saw the Erica chick leaving her apartment but something was different about her. She didn't have a baby bump? Isn't this chick suppose to be 7 to 8 months pregnant. I quickly took photos. I notice someone else coming out her apartment. Laura!?

Hakeem's ex fiance. What is she doing with this Erica's chick? I began to take more photos.

Hakeem is about to be in for a treat.

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