Scars 2: The Words on My Skin

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The words on my skin are black
They twist and flow with no direction
Around and back
All up and down my arm
To black out all the harm
I wrote
Don't forget
And wrote
Who am I
From songs
Sung by people
Who sing the words I cannot string together
The right way
without them
I am grateful
And I steal them
And put them on my arms
To cover up my scars
So no one sees the pain
So they think I am okay

It is pain I inflict upon myself
To let out my anger
To show it
To let out my sadness
And show it
I do not want attention
Please do look away
But I want someone to see me
And bare
With the cuts and bruises
I bear
To let my skin scream
Because I cannot
The words
Help me

It is pain I inflict upon myself
To turn the pain I feel inside

"My skin will scream, reminding me of who I killed inside my dream...there is no hiding for me. I'm forced to deal with what I feel; there is no distraction to mask what is real"
(Car Radio, Twenty-One Pilots)

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