Ode to Midnight

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It's funny how I keep doing things
Over and over again
Despite the insanity of it
I just keep letting it happen

I am such a mess
It's very plain to see
I don't even have the energy to keep rhyming
But I know I have responsibilities that I have to attend to
But I say I'll do them tomorrow
Even though I know I won't
And there's this pounding in my head
That keeps up the rhythm
And I think it's my heart
But it might just be the voices
That are keeping me awake
And telling me to write things
Even though I really need to sleep
My eyes are drooping lower
And my head starts to hurt
But this rhythm makes my fingers go
And my legs are all jittery
Even though I am in bed
And I'm so tired I could die
If I stayed awake instead
And for some awful reason
This is something that I do
Even though I am aware
That I need to stop
I know that it's so bad
And I want to make it end
But it's this vicious cycle
That I fall into time and time again
It's so much easier to write a poem
Than that paper for my class
Even though these poems
Are worth less than nothing
And that paper is about a hundred points
And a letter grade
But for some reason
I continue this insanity
Even as I write about it
Oh the irony
I am a contradiction
From my head down to my feet
My soul and my soles
Can you tell the difference
If I read this allowed
Do you know which words I mean
When I say ewe turn
English is a funny thing
Because when I speak
You may hear one thing
Even though I mean another
And when I write
You may read one thing
Even though I mean an other
It's impossible to explain
The things I think about
Unless you could see and feel and hear
Them in your own self
But no one does
So I am completely alone
And I know I will look back at this later
This word barf of mine
And wonder what the hell I meant
Because it's twelve o'clock at night
And my head is so heavy
With thoughts and feelings and exhaustion
So I may as well be drugged
Or tripping on acid
Because this is a scary place to be
And I'm higher than you think
I'm afraid heights
Except not really
I'll let you figure that one out
On your own
Phone home
But I can't
Because there's no signal
My brain has malfunctioned
And the stars won't align
The way that I want
So I lay me down to sleep
And I curse the skies above
For sending me snow
When all I wanted was a bit of rain
Even though
It was just clouds today
I think I fell in love
With the sky
And its forever changingness
Because I'm bipolar too
And I like the unsteadiness
That I feel when I'm on a roller coaster
And I can almost touch the clouds
It's when I'm up so high
That I'm the least afraid of falling down
And I pray
because I don't believe in god
And I cuss
Because I want to be good
Like steam over a frozen lake
I am
I am
I'm not

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