Let Go

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They tell me not to worry
They say everything is fine
They say to stop complaining
"Nobody wants to hear you whine"
So I bottle everything up
Keep it all locked up tight inside
And I put on a mask of a smile
And claim there's nothing to confide
I don't need anyone else
I am perfectly capable on my own
And whenever I'm feeling lonely
I remind myself that I'm not alone
There's no need to burden others
With silly thoughts and pointless worries
They're just being nice when they ask
They have enough to deal with already
I quickly become accustomed
To the growing weight upon my back
And when I worry it's too heavy
I tell myself that there's nothing I lack
There's no need to ask for help
There's no need to ever complain
After all, no one else is so dependent
And in the end it's just a little pain
I can deal with it all by myself
I am no longer a little kid
I need to be less dependent
I mean, look at all the good that did

But suddenly I feel
the pressure building up
It pushes against the walls
And rattles like a teacup
There's no more room inside
To keep holding everything in
And as I watch my walls fracture
I wonder if this is really the way to win
And finally the dam breaks
The cracks had spread too wide
And soon everything is out
That I had kept holed up inside
It all starts with that one tear
Running slowly down my cheek
That opens up the floodgates
Leaving me feeling vulnerable and weak
And then immediately they're there
The ones I had come to love and trust
Rushing to my side without hesitation
Making not one bit of fuss
They hold me gently in their arms
Their hearts reaching out to mine
As I come undone in wild torrents
Our souls begin to intertwine
I can feel how much they care
Each and every one
And I remember why I love them
And realize this is how I've truly won

So now I have a few corrections to make
So bear with me in the time it takes:

It's perfectly alright to worry
Because not everything is fine
It's good to have a rant
If you ever feel like it sometime
And if those around you
Criticize you and complain
They're just being hypocritical
They just want someone to blame
So don't bottle everything up
Or keep it all locked up inside
Don't mask over your emotions
But find people to whom you can confide
Everybody needs somebody else
No matter how capable they are
It's a basic human need
It's how we've all survived this far
And remember when you're feeling lonely
That just because you're not alone
Does not mean that you're connected
It doesn't mean you feel at home
Every thought you have is valid
And every worry just as significant
And trust me when I say that
It would not do you well to be ignorant
When someone offers up their time
And a space for you to be heard
They're most likely being genuine
Not just saying a few comforting words
For when you share with others
How you feel and where you're hurt
The weight can be shared between you
Instead of you alone in the dirt
And when that weight is shared
It weighs less for both of you
And maybe then the other person
Can get something off their chest too

Stop lying to yourself now
Saying there's nothing that you lack
What you lack is room to breathe
With all that weight upon your back
What you lack is simple contentment
You only have small scraps of real joy
Your mind and soul are ill
Stop treating your heart like it's a toy
Please ask for help when you need it
It's really as simple as that
Lay down your pride for a minute
It's when you don't that you seem like a brat
Even though the idea seems scary
You have to be vulnerable to be strong
And I promise you, in all honesty,
It doesn't matter when you're wrong
But what does matter is you
Who you are and who you want to be
So you have to grow to get there
But meanwhile just let yourself be free

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