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You know how I said I'd never find love

Or that I'd never find my true match?

Well I guess that I lied in the end

Because, frankly, I've grown quite attached

There's this girl that I know who's as bright as the sun

But can be darker than the night

And she reflects just like the moon

But - I swear - she still gives off her own light

Her heart is so big and her mind is so full

and her soul goes so deep

I could spend every minute of each day

talking with her instead of getting sleep

She has so much to say and

even when she doesn't the silence is full

Of who she is and what we are

because I'm so attracted to her soul

I could sit with her and do nothing

and I would never get bored

I want to map her constellations forever

but her time I cannot afford

So I sit back and watch and try

to piece her together from the side

I don't have all the pieces I need,

but at least I can say that I tried

I'm not sure exactly what

it is that I'm feeling

And sometimes it feels like

my heart has no ceiling

It swells and it twists and it churns

all at once in my chest

And if I think about her I know

that I'll never get any rest

She is the epicenter of my mind,

The subject of all of my thoughts

They writhe and they whirl

But I know that they can't be fought

Because when I try to they just

come back again in full force

But this time they never calm down,

instead getting worse and worse

So I let her overcome me and soon

I am fully wrapped around her fingers

And when she touches me I swear

that for hours after it still lingers

But perhaps all of this infatuation

is just simply in my head

Maybe I've become so lonely

I've begun to worships the scraps that I'm fed

But either way it's not so easy

to ignore all that I feel

Because no matter how silly or crazy,

it still seems so real

And even if she never comes

to feel the same about me

As long as I can be by her side

I'll be as happy as can be

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