The sad thing

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And the sad thing is
I am so confused
They said they love me
Less than a day before
And suddenly they take it back
With lips dripping poison
Biting into my heart
They rip it out
Shred it to pieces
Without a care in the world
They said I was the only reason to keep living
And then they take mine away
Who gave you the right?!
Why do I get no say?!
But saddest of all
Is that even after all this
All the abuse
And their poisonous kiss
I would take them back
In an instant, without thought
My heart is throbbing
But it is addicted
How sad
So sad
But true
What a mess this is
What a mess I am
To keep reaching out for them
Despite their rejection
Oh my old friend depression
We meet once again
Yes you live in my house
But you have now stormed my room
Lying in my bed
Smiling wickedly
And all I want to do is cry
But my tears have all been dried
Stolen from my eyes
By this sad, evil guy
He watches me with contempt
His dirty boots all over my sheets
His smile like the snarl of a wolf
As he stares at me
And I cry out
But no one hears me scream
Because in the end
It's all just a dream
I'm swimming through a foggy haze
Trying to open up my eyes
But I'm stuck here now
And I want to say good bye
But my friends hold me back
With their cares, worries, love
They tell me it'll be alright
To step back from the ledge
Oh how I wish I could believe them
But I crave to jump over the edge
The treacherous waters down below
Oh I hear them call my name
Wouldn't it be so nice
To never have to feel pain?
Wouldn't it be so great
If I could sleep forever
And never have to wake up
Never have to remember
But I don't because I know
That I'll only end up worse
Watching as my friends
End up getting hurt
It's all my fault
All my fault
I did this to myself
But the one person I want to listen
To whom I cry out for help
Turns their back and walks away
Leaving me alone
No, just feeling lonely
I have my good old friend depression
I tell my friend that I'll be fine
That I just need some time
And how I wish I believed it
But my mind is too dark
And it's too much to handle
Oh how sad I am tonight

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