The curse of caring

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Here is the problem:
Caring is a curse
I never asked for this burden
It just makes everything worse
If you care too much
Then everything hurts
It's like getting cut
Or trampled in the dirt
Walked all over
But no one else cares
Because caring is a curse
No one wants to bear

If you care so strongly
About every little thing
You feel everything more
Even the smallest things sting
When you care that much
Your heart gets torn open
And you can't tell where
the pain stops and you begin
Caring's a disease
That seeps into your bones
Makes you feel sickly
And then so so alone
You try so hard
Only to fail once again
It's hard to remember
How long it has been
When was the last time
That you felt strong
When you felt alright
That nothing was wrong?
When will these feelings
Finally come to an end?
It's like an eternal storm
Now death sounds like a friend

Because when you care that much
You feel everything twice
Whether it's good or bad
It's the worst kind of vice
Your feelings are multiplied
For every two, there's four
And soon you're drowning
And you can feel no more
Because once it piles up
Until it's towering high
It's like the weight of the world
All the way up to the sky
It piles so quickly
You don't see it coming
When you finally notice
There's no time to start running
You're trapped and alone
Crushed under that weight
Undone by your care
It's a terrible fate

Why is it only one or the other?
Why can't we be in the middle?
Why is it only caring too much
Or only caring too little?
I wish that caring
Could be a choice
Then it would be peaceful
Without all that noise
Because caring is a curse
Nobody wants to bear
When it makes things harder
You wish you didn't care
Caring takes so much strength
That you might not even have
But when you don't have a choice
Then you just lose what you had
It saps all of your energy
And steals all of the fun
Until you lose all emotion
And just want to be done
The end result isn't worth it
So if you can, don't care
It might be good sometimes
But soon it's too much to bear
You should care just enough
To keep yourself in check
Because if you're not careful
You'll just turn into a dick
Care just enough
Just what you must
But if you care too much
you'll be left in the dust

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