for her.

6 0 0

It's a tumultuous sea,
Swirling and whirling,
Dark and foreboding,
Violently hurling.
The waves grow huge,
And crash back down,
Splashing and thrashing.
Everything is drowned.
The water laps against her cracked ribs;
It runs through her arteries and veins.
She is so thoroughly soaked
That the cold starts to numb her pain.
And there's no swimming in this ocean,
There's no escaping this storm.
She has been drowning for so long,
She can't remember the word "warm".
She's got coral reefs full of sharks
That have infested her heart,
Gnawing away at the flesh,
Tearing, ripping, breaking her apart.
And she sometimes sees the light
Shining through the murky depths,
But it is quickly covered by the clouds.
She holds out hope less and less.
Because the lighthouse is empty,
And it crumbles after years of neglect.
There's no one watching over her.
She starts to think there's nothing left.
She calls out, but nobody hears;
It is swallowed by the howling wind.
She sinks deeper into the abysmal sea.
She fights but she just gets chagrined.

And if you climb up that lonesome, lilting lighthouse,
With its once chiseled stone cracked and crumbling,
Up that shuddering staircase that seems to stretch upward ceaselessly,
Run your hand along the worn walls adorned with winding and wistful patterns, wrapping around the rails,
Don't forget to carry a lamp to light your lonely looking,
Or you might just die, undone by the dangerous darkness that is so deceptively deep,
The dark that lurks around corners, looms from cramped spaces, lures craftily with lofty confidence,
Sprint up those scuffed steps to the top of the trembling tower,
Look out over the overwhelming,
blundering buffs of deepest blue...

And maybe you will see her
Fighting for her life
As the waves wash over her with wrath
She is dying
Ever so slowly
And she is but a speck
Amongst the expansive, stormy sea
So you will have to really search
If you want to see

I have thrown her every rope
Every life jacket and life saver
I have sailed out on every boat
To see if I might ever save her
But the wind and waves are too strong
They buffer me back to shore
I can't help her for very long
And my options are no more
She is so lost and so tired
Even I can see
And I know she is no liar
At least not to me
So when she says that she
can hold on no longer
I know that it must be
She cannot be any stronger
I stretch out my arms to her
I try to take her in my grasp
But my arms are not as they once were
And my grip cannot last
She slips away once again
To drift with the raging tide
Will the time ever come when
She can finally be alright?

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