On one dark, lonely night

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A girl sat alone in her room
On one dark, lonely night
She could not fall asleep
So she turned on the light
With the hope it might chase
Away the dark from her mind
And help her untangle the thoughts
she couldn't begin to unwind
And not too far away
Her family all slept and some snored
But her restless brain kept
Her wide awake and a bit bored
So she sat down at her desk
And then pushed her homework aside
Grabbed a pen and a paper
And let the thoughts pour out like the tide
It didn't make much sense
And the the words had no flow
But she found herself quite glad
To have finally let go
Those thoughts had been heavy
Such a burdensome weight
She'd been hoarding them all
And now she could finally deflate
As the last words trickled onto the page
That was filled to the brim
Her mind felt comfortingly empty
And a whole lot less dim
So she capped off her pen
And finally climbed back into bed
The lights were back off
But it wasn't too dark in her head
She fell asleep right away
Without those thoughts as distractions
She slept so well her eyelids never once opened, not even a fraction
And when the morning came
She was so well rested
That unless she told you all this
You would never have guessed it

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