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it's interesting

i'm thinking

how things can change so quickly

the fall is suddenly less freeing

and i hate the way my heart is beating

because now the beating hurts

and i feel like i'm worth less than dirt

and it didn't even take a day

for everything to change

it took just one moment

suddenly i'm frozen

heart is broken

from the words not even spoken

they were written down

and i feel like a clown

you laugh at

wearing the dunce hat

a fool

a tool



now i am a recluse

i feel so obtuse

how did it happen?

where did i go wrong?

how did i do it again?

now i sing a sadder song

oh it was just an instant

but i guess in a different perspective

it must have taken weeks

for the full truth to leak

maybe less if i'm being honest

though i have no fucking clue

how did it come to this?

what the hell did i do?

and what do i do now?

i don't even know how

this all came to be

so caged, though i was free

what do you mean?

i thought you loved me

i guess i was wrong

i thought that you knew love isn't some shiny glittery work of art you can buy at the store to always make you feel good, but instead that it's a masterpiece of our own making

we have to work on it all the time, and yes, it's a lot of work, but i thought we were worth it

i guess you don't feel the same

you think this is some game

is it a game to you?

these tears tracking down my cheeks?

is this a play, a show, a circus?

you thought that you could just leave

when you'd built my hopes up like a tower

held me in my darkest hours

i trusted you with my very soul

then you left me feeling frigid, cold

who are you to say i'm not enough

when you wanted me enough to ask?

i tried my very best to be worth it

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