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I'm so numb
I'm so dumb
It reminds me
Of how I used to be
I used to cry
And make myself bleed
Just to see a little color
It's refreshing to see
Because my world is so much duller
I am as emotionless as a brick
And I habitually pick
At all of the strings
The flimsy little things
that hold me together
I won't let myself get better
Get rid of it
Because I am so restless
And I am so flawed
I am such a mess
And I am such a fraud
I'm as lonely as a star
But I am not as strong
I see where the places are
Where everything is wrong
And I feel like I have to fix
Them all so they're perfect
But it's a trick
But in the end I just
Hate everything even more
Because when I try to fix it up
I just make it worse
Hurt me
Hurt me
Hurt me
I need to bleed
Spill all of my blood
No matter how much pain I feel
I will never run
I don't want to accept what is real
What do I want
What do I want
What do I want
Can you analyze me please
Spell it out in bold font
Tell me how I can be appeased
I want
I want
I wanted
But I never reached
I was so daunted
By all that they preached
I'm so indecisive
And I need help to live
A normal easy life
Without so much strife
That I create myself
Not anyone else
And it's all my fault
I'm locked in a vault
And I don't have the key
This is where I want to be
Someone rescue me
I need to be set free
Don't leave
Don't leave
I leave

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